Please help, my son has a show steer that is continuing to drain pus at the castration site, there remains a quarter size hole at the castration site. We had a vet look at it and he told us that as long as it continued to drain not to worry about it. This has been going on for over a month. We did give him penicillin and sulfa (not at the same time). Another cattle man recommended that we irrigate the site with an epsom salt solution and we tried this but no matter what we do he contines to have a large amount of drainage every day. He has been eating fine... that is until today, he didn't eat well. He has also been running an intermittent fever. I need some advise from anyone who can help. This is a great steer and my son is very attached to him, not to mention we paid more for him than we normally would. I have had many suggestions but would like to hear from someone who has experience this. We are primarily dairy farmers so don't deal with this. He was castrated by cutting method. Would LA 200 work? Please please please any help would be apprecitated