Injection site for FSH

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Just curious where everyone injects their FSH when super ovulating for a flush? Neck, rear quarter,  or elsewhere? I've always been told to administer IM in lower quarter but I've also heard that all IM shots should be givin in the neck. Just curious.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Bqa wants you to stick em in the neck

We stick them just south where fat pones would go on a tailhead

Dads old fashioned says stick it closest to where it needs to do the most work. Works for us


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2016
supposed to give it in the neck, you'll hear both sides about whether it has localized effects.  Anyways we give it in the lower quarter where the most muscle is and switch hips am/pm.  you don't want to give them in the same spot.  We don't plan on our donors getting made into to hamburger.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
  From hooks to pins up on top of the back to the left or right of the spine and tail head there is kind of a soft triangle formed on each side that is a deep muscle is where I shoot and where most embryologist's shoot. Way less chance of the cow moving or jumping too much so a better chance of getting a better job done.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2012
Please.  Follow BQA recommendations.  Whenever possible, give any IM or SQ injections in the neck.
Regardless of what you think of your donor cow, she is still a food animal... somebody's going to eat almost all of them at some point in time.
I don't care if the embryologists or veterinarians are popping 'em in the top of the hip... they're wrong.

And... anyone who goes with the old "I'm giving it in the hip, 'cause it's closer to the ovaries." thing has no understanding of physiology... or they've just not really given it enough thought.  You're giving an injection that will be absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to the target organ or tissue.  It doesn't matter if you're injecting it 4" or 4' away from the ovaries... it's still going to get there via the same route; efficacy won't be affected by 'proximity'.  Really; it won't.
But... injections in the hip or rear quarter do have the possibility of cause more damage to more valuable cuts of meat than injections in the neck.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
Hello every one, yes it IS me, after 9 months of absence from all getting killed out here doing ranch work, I rolled a 4 wheeler over while spraying thistles. Things have been really hard since, long road to even trying to feel better. Weeks in the hospital, and still never ending pointless visits to doctors, I am alive any way and thankfull that it was not my time to go.

I haven't been active for a long time, just haven't had it in me. This topic however, is one I  MUST respond to.

34 years ago, I started learning ET the hard way, the COWS taught me, as well as having extensive A-I experience, and several years of Physiology degrees. I gave shots where ever I could reach in ther early days, with many bent needles as well as leaking sites. Over time, it became more and more obvious that there are good places, and bad places, for these tiny little shots to go and maximize the result.

I have done way over 9000 donors, so I don't take this lightly. Has anyone had to lance abseses due to site trauma?? Bent and/or dirty needles are hard on cows. If you can tell me, that a cow throwing her head around or kicking and moving is going to be easy to put a small needle (20ga x 1 1/2) in there and not have a problem, you have never done very many. I am with CAB, I give all my small injections between hooks and pins. It is a perfectly accessable area, causes minimal if ANY damage to tissues if given right, and WILL give the best, consistent results. I kept records like no other for 20 years, and it was really obvious. Those cows neck shot or lower quarter injected, were always lower producers, on average.

Unless you are using a bent crowbar for a needle, which no one does, there is very little any one can tell me that I am doing damage to the cow with this equipment. We are using 1.0 to 2.4 ml per injection TOPS. Think about it. Every single drop needs to be in the tissues, not on the ground or stuck in the skin where it will never get in the bloodstream. The neck , for some unknown to me reason, simply never did give dependable results consistently.

Today, we are all but out of donors. Every one who had cows here but one very good customer came and got them as soon as we called and the boysd said I was in the hospital. Really there was no reason for them to stay if I was going to be laid up for months on end. I will never be like I was before, BUT, I don't die easy. I am bored out of my mind, and I want to get going before I get so damn old I can't walk out there!! hehehe To say the least, things are and have been tuff. I love all you guys, I am sorry I have been gone for so long. Let the debates begin as they say. I am old school, and no, I ain't gonna change a damn thing! Smile every one, it keeps you young!! Sincerely and best to all -- Terry


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Cowboy- glad to see you back we sure missed you I speak on everyone's behalf!

I guess you are like me and "have no idea about any physiology" according to the planeteers but hey, bigger picture- glad you are back!


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
  Terry, absolutely great to hear from you.  <beer> It was all I could do not to answer back, but it has kind of gotten to the point of what for? Hope that you are feeling well and not in much  pain besides the normal growing old aches & pains.
  Tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary of Keaton's life threatening accident and we understand how traumatic accidents can be to all of the people that care for you. God Bless you Terry and your family.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2014
Guernsey County OHIO
Nice to see you back Cowboy. Your comments were missed. And for the record I am gonna keep giving them in the rump. I do however recommend a product called a slap-shot if you are doing multiple animals. Way less problems with bent needles, dumped shots, and discomfort to the animal. Also easy to change out needles. I started using one and love it.