Irrational fears

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Anyone got any good ones? I almost drove me and my kids into a 10 foot deep ditch after a grasshopper jumped on my arm on the way to irrigate. Wont stay in a room with a moth either. My husband thought this way funny till I walked into our kitchen holding a snake that he does not like and said "how do you like it" while he was running down our driveway. He does not bother me any more about it and will kill the moth right away now. Those are the only things I do not like I am the only one with this kind of fear?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
McCook, Nebraska
Going over bridges with water under them... Don't ask me why... I have to close my eyes and hold my breath whenever I go over one... I love to swim, fish, ect. and can go over a bridge that's over a dry river bed or something like that, just CAN'T do the water. Weird- yes. lol... I think it has to do with all the bad dreams I've had that has to deal with going banzai off the road into a big body of water... heck idk. lol


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
Heights - anything higher than a six foot step ladder.


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2010
West Tennessee
Spiders.  I brushed a tree limb when I was mowing one day and a spider ended up on my shirt.  I let go of the steering wheel (but did not let up on the throttle)...the mower is headed toward the road...I'm panicking-trying to decide how to get the shirt off without touching the spider! (which at the time seemed more reasonable than somehow flicking the spider off! ;)  Oh yeah...heights too.  I got a B in my Wilderness Skills class in college because I couldn't bring myself to get closer than 8-10 feet from the edge of the cliff we were supposed to rappel down!  I managed orienteering, white water rafting, canoeing, kayaking and caving but not rappeling!


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Okotoks said:
Heights - anything higher than a six foot step ladder.

I used to not like heights as well, but putting up two 90 ft silos changed that, well somewhat anyways. I think my fingerprints are still embedded in the ladder from my first trip to the top. The Harvestore rep took me to the top to show me a few things I should check when I was up there. While we were up there, he said he should make a final inspection of a vent that was located about 1 foot from the edge of the top, on the side opposite the ladder. He simply hopped ever the railing and squatted down and slide on his toes down to it, on the glass lined steel, and checked it out. I fully expected him to go right over the edge. It still bothers me today to think about it, as even as I am writing this, I am almost ready to puke.  That happened 34 years ago, and it still bothers me, and I sometimes wake up at night after dreaming about it short of breath and in a cold sweat. To my knowledge, this idiot is still alive... I have no idea why!

After a few trips to the top, I got very used to going up and it did not bother me at all.It always amazes me how much change in the weather there can be in 90 feet. Many times I would go up when there was a  very slight breeze on the ground and there would be a gale force wind at the top. One one occasion, it was calm on the ground, and it was so windy when I got to the top that it took my glasses off my head as well as my hat. I never did find my hat, but I found my glasses in a grove of trees about 500 feet from the silos.

I am not fond of snakes but I usually can stand them long enough to get them chopped into little pieces. Fortunately we do not have poisonous snakes here.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Wasps and bees.  I have an involuntary reaction to them flying around me that would cause me to stampede over a toddler in order to get away.  I could stand up to a grizzly bear easier than bees.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2009
Sask, Canada
frostback said:
I almost drove me and my kids into a 10 foot deep ditch after a grasshopper jumped on my arm
I laughed when I read this. I hate the feel of a flippin grasshopper on me, and have almost had a few mishaps driving because of them. I never open the window unless I have to if the little buggers are near.
Okotoks..... I can say I am definately not scared of heights because more than once on a nice day if we were waiting for something I would put on the belt and go the the crown of the rig for a view.
JIT..... Was the Harvestore reps name Elmer??? I usually am terrible with names but will not forget his name from my time working at the feedlot. He was a different cat to say the least.  Crawling inside the silo under 200 ton of feed to fix the unloader chain with only a Black n Decker blower for air supply, while you could not get within 5 feet of the door or would loose your breath!!!! 


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
Heights... Unless we are talking about horses and jumping then its the bigger the better! Which is why it is a completely irrational fear!


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Missouri idea why they give me the willies!  Had one hit me in the face the other day and about peed my pants.  Stupid little tree frogs!


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Northwood, Iowa
Claustrophobic. Small rooms, big crowds.
I have to agree, Grasshoppers attaching themselves to me, especially if it's bare skin, is really creepy. :eek:


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
I hate how after you've found a tick or some other bug on you..  your skin crawls for the rest of the day!

I also don't like seeing really big open flesh wounds where you can see bone & muscle - human or animal.. but I don't think that fear is irrational.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
I get the heebie-jeebies whenever I'm around PETA folks.    My skin crawls, I break out in a cold sweat, and have to hold myself back from wanting to get violent.  I know its irrational--they just can't think straight-- and I should feel sorry for them, but I just can't help it.    I don't like skunks, either!!


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2009
Wapakoneta, Ohio
oakbar said:
I get the heebie-jeebies whenever I'm around PETA folks.     My skin crawls, I break out in a cold sweat, and have to hold myself back from wanting to get violent.  I know its irrational--they just can't think straight-- and I should feel sorry for them, but I just can't help it.    I don't like skunks, either!!



Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Frostback, you will love this one.

My oldest son is petrified of heights.  He came by this fear honestly.  When he was about 5 years old, the "friends"  "watching" him at the National Western held him upside down over the edge of the catwalk in the yards.

He is 20 now and still wont walk over that catwalk.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2009
Rats. The fact that they will chew on human flesh jus makes my skin crawl. I hate big crowds as well.


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2007
Lions..not exactly an irrational fears other than I don't exactly run into them often but I am terrified.. don't even want to see one at the zoo..and as a results I have to sleep with the covers over my feet at night(so the lions can't grab them) and wake up instantly if they become uncovered..

Ceiling fans, Justin knows about this one, I hate having to reach up and turn the light on or off while the fan is going..

Water I can't see what thru...Rivers, Oceans, Creeks, or Dish or Bathwater that has bubbles in it.  Mainly because I'm scared of Alligators and Sharks..

Love snakes :)


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Hilltop said:
frostback said:
I almost drove me and my kids into a 10 foot deep ditch after a grasshopper jumped on my arm
I laughed when I read this. I hate the feel of a flippin grasshopper on me, and have almost had a few mishaps driving because of them. I never open the window unless I have to if the little buggers are near.
Okotoks..... I can say I am definately not scared of heights because more than once on a nice day if we were waiting for something I would put on the belt and go the the crown of the rig for a view.
JIT..... Was the Harvestore reps name Elmer??? I usually am terrible with names but will not forget his name from my time working at the feedlot. He was a different cat to say the least.  Crawling inside the silo under 200 ton of feed to fix the unloader chain with only a Black n Decker blower for air supply, while you could not get within 5 feet of the door or would loose your breath!!!!  

I have spent a lot of time with Elmer. He is a great guy and as hard a worker as I have ever seen. If you were broke down and needed something fixed to get the cattle fed, Elmer would work through the night if he had too. I remember on time an unloader chain had broken in the Harvestore and we had about 800 ton of haylage above the hole he cut into the center of the feed so he could crawl in. He always wore an oxygen mask but, as you mentioned he usually had a small blower pumping air from the outside into the hole... just in case. Elmer crawled into the hole with his acetylene torch and worked quite awhile before he took his sparker and tried to light his torch. He must have accidentally turned the acetylene on when he crawled in, as fire shot back out of the silo at least 10 feet when he struck the sparker. I have never saw anything move as fast as Elmer did as he came backwards out of the silo. The explosion burnt all his hair, his eyebrows were almost completely gone, and it also took all the hair off his arms, chest and part of his legs even though he was wearing coveralls. I was standing at least 7-8 feet from the silo door when this happened and it burnt my beard, eyebrows and hair as well.
Believe it or not, Elmer blow air into the silo for several minutes then crawled back in again. I don't think I would have.