As a cattle breeder, an amatuer photographer, and a graphic designer, the answer is yes and no. And it's not a fine line between what makes it ethical and what makes it unethical. I don't see anything wrong with cleaning up a background, or even removing a fly, manure or a stray hair. As has been said here, if it can be done with clippers & a comb, I don't consider it unethical to use Photoshop to do the same thing, no moreso than most people consider those grooming & presentation practices unethical under any circatances. So in that sense, my answer is yes...Photoshopping IS ethical. When we start to deliberate whether or not it's ethical to misrepresent the animal and create a photo of an animal that doesn't exist, my answer changes. And there's no fine line. No slippery slope. There are lots of things you can do with grooming, lighting, poses, etc. to help present an animal in a flattering way...we call that marketing. If you take a photo & alter it so as to build an animal--adding muscle, bone, depth, length; straightening a topline or trimming a brisket, you're changing the animal. We call that fraud.
I'm pretty naive when it comes to a lot of things. I want to assume the best in people, and I don't pretend to know or understand everybody's backgrounds, influences or circumstances. But we do have to draw a line. The best we can hope for is a level playing field. Dishonesty only slants it even more than it already is, creating even bigger obstacles for those who are already up against their own set of challenges. Why can't we all just
play fair?
I know only a little about some other livestock communities that are faced with this issue on a much more serious level. Have you looked at a dairy breed publication lately? Any Tennessee Walking Horse publicity photos?... The slippery slope comes when we decide the ethical delimma is not
an issue we want to address. Accepting the excuse that "everyone else does it" or "that's what you have to do to win" is a cop-out., they
don't. People who are willing to trade integrity for A CHANCE at noteriety are the people who cheat. I still want to believe that really isn't "everyone"
and I hope it's not what we have to do to win. If it gets to that point, I don't think I wanna play anymore.