Sorry about that, I assumed the same thing. I've given this some thought and here is what I think. The 1st and 2nd are both nice, but they have VERY different end points, you need to decide what is important to you, in our area most of our show season is in the spring and you cruise right into Jr. Nationals. The 1st heifer is very green, she may hold her own, but she isn't going to be the big winner right now, she will do well in the spring and should be perfect by Jr. National time. The 2nd heifer is broody and beautiful, but she (from the looks in the pics) is already on the fat side and it not nearly as nicely fronted, by late spring will probably be stale, but she will be competive now.
On the cow side of things, you stated that you want this heifer to throw some nice clubbies down the road. My experience is this, you are looking for the wrong type of show heifer to also throw nice clubbies. The heifers you are looking at are terminal type heifers, they are really not the type you would want to breed for clubbies. If you want a heifer that will throw nice clubbies you need to start with a 7 frame heifer so you will be able to breed to the clubbie type bulls.
There really is no wrong answer here, just decided what is most important to you and go from there. You have found 2 really nice heifers, have fun.