As a cattleman with taste and preference a little outside the box, I want to ask why people think she’s a market heifer now that she’s grown out, and why that's a bad thing. I'm not disagreeing with anybody's opinion, but I am asking you to put your thinking cap on... From my view, this heifer has a good neck, not a long freaky neck like some i-80's you see, but a clean refined neck with adequate length that appears longer due to hair. I think it’s a front end that should come on a lot of females. My experience with freak necked females are, they eventually become weak behind their shoulders and shallow in their heart girth, while being cows that are harder keepers. I know there is 1 in 10 that will say they have a cow that’s mother was half giraffe and is rolly polly fat. I get that, and not every single patriots football was deflated, but what is so special about the freak necked cattle not only to the commercial man but even people who RAISE clubbies? If a cow with a longer neck can reach more hay, but she has to consume more.... Anyway this heifer I think has adequate neck for a breeding heifer. 2nd, we can move into belly. We are demanding cattle to have more belly than ever, which is fine to me. My question is how are we expecting these cattle to have bellies that drag the ground, without "child-bearing" hips, because anytime we seem to see a heifer with a notch of power, she’s labeled a market heifer. To me, cattle are real life creatures and not something you toy around with on Photoshop and clipart. If we want a steer to have big rear quarters, to me we have to sacrifice some shoulder to help support that. If we want big bellies in females, I think they should have a little bigger tops and hind quarters to support that, otherwise these things are going to start looking as awkward as the moment you are in a bad car accident and your wife and girlfriend show up to the ER at the same time. Next I will ask about frame. Now from a picture I am the world’s worst at telling Hip Height so on this heifer I have no idea just how tall or short she really is. Nonetheless, what’s wrong with cows that are a little bigger framed? I have always bred with this philosophy, the cattle industry is one big circle. One year we want this, 5 years from now we want this, 10 years from now we want what they wanted 15 years prior etc. In my experience, it’s much easier to breed a cow down then it is to breed one up, and I know people talk about how much the bull matters, but I think cows mean 100 times more. When you pick up a sire catalog, there are about 250 bulls that seem to be bred the exact same. Which to me means, the only thing stopping me from being John Griswold is cow power (so to speak, I am nowhere near the cattleman He is, just using him as an extreme example)? And like I said, I think it’s easier to breed a big cow to a small bull and downsize her then it is to breed a little cow to a taller bull to try and get a bigger calf. Lastly like I said about power earlier, why is it bad? I’m not talking about a heifer that looks like Smiling Bob in Denver, but a heifer like this. I do not think this heifer IN MY OPINION is too stout and should be classified a market and essentially sent to market if she would win a market show. I think this heifer has a lot of guts and needs power to support it. Now I know people say a heifer should look like a heifer and a steer should look like a steer. I think the same thing goes for women as well..... And here is my example on that.... I was in high school once, pretty big school. About 1300 kids....We had basketball players, we had dancers, and we had softball, swimming, starving tapeworm want to be models, rednecks... Just about every stereotype there is. The ones that always got to me where those soccer players and volleyball players (especially Olympic volleyball). Only thing I can figure out why is, they weren’t usually monster chested, usually had a pretty face, but the hips. Oh the hips... That’s how I liked my women, and that’s how I like my heifers; Pretty head and neck, clean chested, with a shot of power. If we keep picking these cat-ass heifers in the show ring and killing the ones with some power and dimension, we are going to start having out cattle look like Bruce Jenner, I mean Caitlyn Jenner, I mean dang it, it’s the same thing, they all look alike. No power, no balls, and just wanting to be skinny in high heels. I’m not bashing anyone’s opinions at all, I just don’t personally see how this heifer has pushed the envelope to the other side, and I want to know why we are letting the market head down this way making us think we need such dainty females.