When we first started using Simmental and keeping some bull calves back, we routinely had heifers that got bred to bull herd mates before weaning time. Before then, all our bull calves had been steered, and we kept calves on the cows as long as we could to get gain off grass and mama. Puberty IS a function of weight, and often heifers approaching 600 pounds will begin to cycle, regardless of age. And that's an average...some will certainly mature earlier and some later. I would have my doubts about a bull calf that young being able to breed a cow, but I'm sure stranger things have happened. We wean everything now when the oldest calves in the pasture get close to 7 months. We rarely have heifers get bred, but we've been known to split the herd and separate the cows with heifer calves from the cows with bulls just to keep that from happening. A shot of Lutalyse should abort any unwanted pregnancy if given at least 10 days after the heifer was bred and BEFORE 3 MONTHS after. After 3 or 4 months, 5 cc of Lutalyse isn't real likely to work.