this heifer is definitely double muscled and she will get heavier muscled as she gets older. By weaning she will look like a Belgian Blue. Do you know the dam's pedigree? I'm scratching my head wondering where the double muscling is coming from from the sire's pedigree, and a doubled muscled calf has to get the gene for double muscling from both sides of the pedigree. I would bet my farm that she is double muscled and I also think her structure is messed up and is going to get even worse with time.
I think the owner better figure out where the double muscling gene is coming from and make sure be does not combine these genetics again. My prediction is she will be crippled so bad by weaning that she will be hardly saleable. To me she already appears to have some issues in here joints especially in her back legs, and if this is showing up already, it is going to get a lot worse.