Is this true?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
I realize you're a cop and the only form of persuasion you're capable of is intimidation, but if you ever talk to me face to face like that- with those insulation and undertones- I assure you I'll take you up on your offer. You take that for what it's worth.

Can you make sure to bring him a down jacket and not a bathing suit.  You make a warm room cold.

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
-XBAR- said:
I realize you're a cop and the only form of persuasion you're capable of is intimidation, but if you ever talk to me face to face like that- with those insulation and undertones- I assure you I'll take you up on your offer. You take that for what it's worth.
Isn't worth much coming from you, Xbar I see you as a young adult that has not grown up and still immature and would love to meet the person behind the computer screen, by the way I know I'm not the only one that has said that about you. Last thing I'm going to say is I'm not a fake and many people on this sight that has met can testify to that and I would speak to you no different in person as I'm speaking to you on this forum and I'm in Denver every January, like clock work.


Well-known member
May 25, 2010
Spring Creek , Iowa
Fear not X bar will be the next to get booted off here , I'm sure of it  !!!! Ya Brad I guess I guessed it dang close I'm 6' foot and you had me by a few lol !


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Over the last week I have received several SP messages and emails both regarding this topic; none of which have been opposing my view point.  The author of this- an active SP member- sent me this message last night. While he didn't want to get into a political pissing match with Knabe and his following, I ask him if I could post it 'anonymously' on his behalf.  There are many, many members here on SP that share this opinion-  * notice the syntax used by those in aggreeance with me; and then briefly analyze that of those opposed.  The conclusion is fairly obvious.


I wanted to take a second to drop you a quick message.  I really don't want to get into it with knabe on the massage board, but I agree with you on the Obamacare issue.  I agree with you, and I agree with the points that you make.  I agree with your comparison to Auto Insurance in Wyoming, and I agree with the comparison to OIF.

I don't care what anyone says, healthcare in our country is out of control.  This is NOT a party issue.  This is not "Red/Blue".  This is a problem.  This country is full of middle class families that are employed in the private sector by SMALL companies that do not offer a benefit package that includes any type of healthcare, and these families simply can NOT afford health coverage.

I am not talking about people below the poverty line that are already receiving assistance.  I am talking about families that have been forced to make a choice to drop their health coverage simply because they do not have access to a true group coverage.

My whole hangup with this argument comes down to this:  Every single time that I get into a face to face argument with someone about this, and I ask the person where they are buying their health insurance, I get the same damn answers.

1)  I am a veteran so I get free health care.  Thank you for serving our country, BUT what about the rest of us.  I am paying for your health care, can you please at least have an open mind for the sake of my kids?

2)  My wife is a teacher so we get health insurance through the teachers union.  Once again, the tax payer is subsidizing your insurance premium.

3)  I work for Huge Company X, so they pay for my health insurance.

4)  OK, so you think that Obama is such a moron...what is your genius idea?  Of course they never have an idea.  Just that Obama is a moron.  Hell, most of them don't even realize that this issue isn't even really his issue.  This is just unfinished business from the Clinton Presidency.  Hillary Clinton tried to overhaul healthcare with everything she had when Bill was in office and simply ran out of gas. 

It is always the same thing......It doesn't effect me, so screw you.

I should probably post these comments on the message board and not be a coward.  I just don't want to get into a political argument with anyone.  It is about all I can handle to stick with show cattle.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
It's really impressive that people refuse to challenge their beliefs when they expect everyone else to.

I suggest reading Adam smith or

That's pretty much where my perspective comes from.

By the way, I have a pretty extensive email list as well as long as we're having a pissing match. i guess i didn't know i had a following, or that anyone did.

Im sure most people on the left have never read Adam smith or if they have they prefer Marx.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Though your quote is catchy, you didn't just defend your position, you attacked the author.  Similar to lil M's approach when I questioned his staunch position on social programs- the irony lying in the fact that he holds these positions while being a large recipient of welfare subsidies.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
my quote was a catchy way of saying what you said. 

amazing that pointing out irony is attacking the author when someone else does it, but not you.

i suppose that is attacking the author as well.

if so, i apologize in advance.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Tell your fictional friend that as of 2015, his article 3 ( the huge company x policy) will be taxable as if it were income. That's a socialist agenda if I've ever "seen" one!!

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Anyone who has tried to get health insurance on thier own-without having the benefit of being part of a large organization-or having ANY PRE-EXISTING condition can pay anywhere up to $1000 per month or more. The effective rate "not including a substantial discount for being part of a huge corp etc. would be around $200 +- per month: if taxed AND WITHOUT THE BENEFITS OF A WRITEOOF-If you are in sales-I would think that amount would be deducted-etc.Anyone making $50k+ shouldnt be whining like a bunch of mollicoddled yuppies about communists and other juvenile referances.Try being under the radar without work-(AND NO NOT EVERYBODY IN A BAD WAY IS ON WELFARE GETTING EVEYTHING FOR FREE)-and having no insurance at all. You got yours-so to H#%&()L with any Americans who didnt have the same opportunities,or might have had some bad luck. I guess I come from a different generation-and I remember hearing about the depression -and remember seeing kids at my elementary school who had nothing to eat.AND THESE WERE POOR WHITE PEOPLE:whos parents worked.-Not the immigrents who become instant rockstars when they cross our borders and are showered with riches.I guess you poor down trodden farmers better go cool off in your $55000 4 door duellies: and commiserate with your checks from the communist-fascist Department of AG.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
These poor ole folks that you remember mark are long gone. These same people now have cell phones and welfare packages worth more that I make in a year busting my tail.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Wv is going to continually get worse since Obama has recently waged his "war on coal". Thankfully I am not in coal area or in the coal industry but this state is hurting by these sanctions.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
mark tenenbaum said:
Anyone who has tried to get health insurance on thier own-without having the benefit of being part of a large organization-or having ANY PRE-EXISTING condition can pay anywhere up to $1000 per month or more.

some of this would go away if insurance wasn't through employers.  but that would start a pissing contest.

one could also have some competition on insurance content.

at work, the eye plan has always been a wash for me, so i have never purchased it and pocketed the money.

in other words, i pay by the service.

more of this would drive down the cost as companies compete rather than inflate their salaries through consolidation mandated through legislation written by the large companies.

but saying that is a pissing contest for some reason.

i dare say there is probably 100,000 people left in america who know anything about adam smith.


Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
Fubar, you fool nobody, you think you know what is best on all this, when someone posts something, you look from what state they are from and see what you can google up on that state. That fact is when I moved from Missouri to Wyoming, my car insurance went way down. Say what you want about all that because all your messages fit your name real good Fubar.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Obama didnt singlehadedly do the war on coal himself-Back when I was well I lost my first fortune trying to perfect a high voltage underground miner hitting reclaimed auger holes near Pikeville KY.With glaciers dissappearing;and highly documented scientific evidence by Joseph Stalins Scientists etc there is international preassure to try and stop the inevitable,with countries like China buying up every bit of bad junk that will burn. If the miners could get in on natural gas (the enemy of any mining work,surface or deep) theyd be fine:its the next bug thing with huge reserves,along with frack oil. But the money will get hogged up top just like the coal cos did since the turn of the century. Maybe if West VA had any guts,)and wasnt owned by a bunch of corrupt energy cos.)theyd require those huge $ producing well operators to help train-return people to the work force etc-OR NO PERMIT. It will probably be a huge gain for the state-and they"ll put all those people on wefare or something,because if a bunch of miners get hungry enough-THEY WILL EAT YOU: right at the side of the road. O0


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
No infrastructure hurts the natural gas chances in the Marcellus seams in these parts. Also the fracking in the water tables has lots of opposition. I don't have an opinion on that yet. I'm all for landowner rights however. So if the gov prohibits me from collecting on my resources, shame on them!!


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Big M Show Cattle said:
Fubar, you fool nobody, you think you know what is best on all this, when someone posts something, you look from what state they are from and see what you can google up on that state. That fact is when I moved from Missouri to Wyoming, my car insurance went way down. Say what you want about all that because all your messages fit your name real good Fubar.

Gargan stated to Mark that "all those people were gone."  I thought it was relevant to point out how almost 1 in 5 people in the state he lives in are "those people." Of course your premiums went down! That's what happens when you're apart of a larger pool! Duh! - then again, I wouldn't expect you to know anything about risk pools.  You're a mental midget and can't even defend your welfare recipient status appropriately or with any legitimacy.  Perhaps they should be teaching privates and patrolmen linguistics before they're out 'policing' their neighbors.

And fubar- that's hilarious!  Though I haven't heard the word since high school- I understand if its just now making its way to WY- it's my brother's bday party tonight so w/o question, Fubar'd I'll be  <beer>