Tama, of all the thousands of carriers that are available, why do you say to steer Ivy League. I think you are trying to say eliminate all carriers, but why start with Ivy League? I have calves from him-- he's not a cow killer, or a 6 way cross of multiple breeds, and his daughters should be able to calve and milk ( maybe only save the tested clean hfrs).
I guess it blows my mind that all the carriers, with some really serious problems besides th (they are talked about here on Steerplanet all the time), why steer this one?
I have some pretty nice calves from Ivy League and will use more semen in the future. I feel bad for the owners to get caught up in all this. I feel that they answered their call of duty, tested and promoted a very valuable sire, only to have this come up.
I remember back years ago, we all thought that we could breath again when the th test became available. Now people are talking about how we can trust these tests and the labs that perform them. If we can count the lab mistakes on one hand, out of I am guessing hundreds of thousands of tests, I believe that's pretty good.
Not to pick on Carm, but you said to use only tested free bulls from tested free parents, to get away from problems with the test. Isn't this depending on the test just as much as ever?
I have rambled on enough while waiting for a cow to calve. I just think that with the information that he is a unfortunate carrier, used properly-- Ivy league still has as much value as ever-- and probably more than alot of other bulls.
good luck to every one and have a good one