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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:

at its best....mayo clinic "students" pay 27K a year to go to all the work.....  have positive results.....then who gets to share the cheese of the new money maker??.....the students who did the work and paid "them" to do it.....two great examples of capitalism there ....the front end for the schools tuition monies, to keep the education machine running.....then the drug companies makes the monies on jthe dramitic revolutionary "discovery".of there latest " reasearch" break through........and the ones who dont get a dime??......... are the ones who actually did the work....sound fimiliar?....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
so i guess we should pay students to go to school?

alumni donations help schools out too.  not strictly financed on tuition alone.  one should have to pay to go to school.  why pay someone a finished doctor salary when they are learning, making mistakes and being insulated being out on their own.

now if the students would pay for all their mistakes while at school with their own insurance etc, the mayo is a win win situation.  the students get the inside track on what works, what doesn't, what companies support well, which one's don't and word gets around.  everyone is getting a dime.  students get a license to practice medicine at much higher salaries.

if people want to change it, they can pool some money, pay students more, take less profit on drugs, pay the company infrastructure less, no one is stopping them.

people always want to change things on other people's dime..... sound familiar?......


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
so i guess we should pay students to go to school?

alumni donations help schools out too. 

people always want to change things on other people's dime..... sound familiar?......

kinda like the football plyayers at the university.....fill up a 70 thougsand seat statium every game for 35 yrs with no salaries for the thats worth a free about makin' a dime.....oj didnt make much money at usc....but usc sure did... jbarl


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Mexico used to own all the land up to the Arkansas river in our area. Its kinda ironic they are taking this land back one border crossing at a time. I think that if I were terrorist I would pump say 500 million dollars into Mexico to enable the illegals to cross into our country. They could bring us to our knees in 3 years by bankrupting our medical systems and other systems of welfare etc. .jmo


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
kinda like the football plyayers at the university.....fill up a 70 thougsand seat statium every game for 35 yrs with no salaries for the thats worth a free about makin' a dime.....oj didnt make much money at usc....but usc sure did... jbarl

players get salaries, ie tuition, board.  they get free school, free tutors, free food, free training for the pro's in both sports and industry.  they used to not be able to play varsity as freshman.  now they mostly don't get to finish school but get free exposure to showcase their talent for the pros or european leagues.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I keep thing that the press will come out with the following story. The Democrats proposed health care is such a disaster their own party will vote it down!" But nof course the headlines will read " Rich Republicans threaten to block health care for the poor." I|ts kinda like the old "The world will end tommorro....minorities and women hit the hardest!"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
kinda like the football plyayers at the university.....fill up a 70 thougsand seat statium every game for 35 yrs with no salaries for the thats worth a free about makin' a dime.....oj didnt make much money at usc....but usc sure did... jbarl

players get salaries, ie tuition, board.  they get free school, free tutors, free food, free training for the pro's in both sports and industry.  they used to not be able to play varsity as freshman.  now they mostly don't get to finish school but get free exposure to showcase their talent for the pros or european leagues.
one team.....4 yrs.....60 kids a year on the team.....240 kids many from your local sports college players went on the the nfl/ euorpean or usa??....yes i think higher education should be as free as high school......they are a lot of brilliant folks who dont have awhlo lot of money...especially when there 19/22 yrs old.....only the richiest  ( or fastest or stongest or good swmimers ) get educated around here??  jbarl


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
I paid for college by working nights and student loans. How did Obama do it? If you want it bad enough you can do it and the means are there as well. A lot of good programs are funded by student sports.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
BIGTEX said:
I paid for college by working nights and student loans. How did Obama do it? If you want it bad enough you can do it and the means are there as well. A lot of good programs are funded by student sports.

i paid for mine with a summer job......then after working for 4 months ( 18 yrs old right out of high school )....  i withdrew from college .....spent all the money ....bought a car...ect.....and didnt make it back to school for 17 yrs.....3.86/ hr....was alot of money then....i finished my educatioon on my dime as well....but would have to say i learned more in the first 17 yrs in the real world than i did in school as far as an "education" then i didnt " wnat" it as bad as i "needed" expeerienes and qualifiacitons of a steel mill worker arent as lucrative as they used to be....i wish every kid could go to school till there 20....those who want bad enough will stick with it.....the first thing we want to do to a young bright willing  to learn them committed to a 25K  monetary liability so they can show you how smart they are?...used to be paying for an education was down payment for a job.....its just a down payment to apply now....people figure out how smart you really  are when they meet you.....not when they " read your evaluation"....  jmo   ......jbarl


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
It's too bad that in all those years of experience and schooling that no one every taught you where the Spell Check button is!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i paid for my BS, worked several jobs during school, did several cash paying enterprise projects, worked on campus for beef unit so housing was paid.  saved money before working a couple of jobs.  got a scholarship for MS.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
JbarL said:
one team.....4 yrs.....60 kids a year on the team.....240 kids many from your local sports college players went on the the nfl/ euorpean or usa??....yes i think higher education should be as free as high school......they are a lot of brilliant folks who dont have awhlo lot of money...especially when there 19/22 yrs old.....only the richiest  ( or fastest or stongest or good swmimers ) get educated around here??  jbarl

When higher education is free like high school, then no one will appreciate what they are getting. The opportunity to get it, is there. It will end up just like the housing market, not everyone is cut out to be a homeowner, just like every kid is not cut out to benefit from college. Just having a college education doesn't guarantee you a wealthy or easy life. I deal in the automotive bodyshop world & a good body man or painter in my part of the country can make from $65k to $100k a year.
If the kids are that smart, there is plenty of scholarships, student loans & part time jobs out there for them to make it through college. They just have to want to do it & put forth the effort. JMO


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Doc said:
JbarL said:
one team.....4 yrs.....60 kids a year on the team.....240 kids many from your local sports college players went on the the nfl/ euorpean or usa??....yes i think higher education should be as free as high school......they are a lot of brilliant folks who dont have awhlo lot of money...especially when there 19/22 yrs old.....only the richiest  ( or fastest or stongest or good swmimers ) get educated around here??  jbarl

When higher education is free like high school, then no one will appreciate what they are getting. The opportunity to get it, is there. It will end up just like the housing market, not everyone is cut out to be a homeowner, just like every kid is not cut out to benefit from college. Just having a college education doesn't guarantee you a wealthy or easy life. I deal in the automotive bodyshop world & a good body man or painter in my part of the country can make from $65k to $100k a year.
If the kids are that smart, there is plenty of scholarships, student loans & part time jobs out there for them to make it through college. They just have to want to do it & put forth the effort. JMO

great post doc....."work" something your lucky enough to like...for me it was the was physical, and hot, and not really healthy....but it paid good,i was 18 yrs old...and i made a llife of the middle of it, i went and gotted a little more glad i did....i wouldnt  be where im at now if i hadnt went back to school.....not only did i gain some good knowldedege in areas i had interest in....but the confidence i gained in completing was contagous......i'll never no if i would have gotten that at 20 or not.....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
.i'll never no if i would have gotten that at 20 or not.....jbarl

jbarl, that i have to say is the most interesting thing i have ever heard you say.  school nowadays is more of a one size fits all.  we have done away with trade schools, and college, advanced degrees, in general used to be harder, and really mean something.  i dare say i wouldn't have made it if i was in school 20 or 30 years previous to when i went.