Just For Fun: Cute things said by your kids!

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
I have 3 young boy's that always seem to say something cute that put's a smile on my face when I need it.  I thought it would be a fun thread to hear others stories.

I will share one for each of the three boys, please share yours.

Yesterday, first thing in the morning I was sitting at the desk, checking out the planet and the middle boy Gavin(5) wanted to crawl on my lap and be with Daddy, " I said no not right now Gavin Daddy's sore, I'm getting OLD."  Gavins reply, "Can I get a NEW Daddy then?"

I asked both little boys Gavin and Grady(4), If they were my buddy's?  Grady says, "NO, my Godfather is my Buddy."  His Godfather, Troy a close friend and cattle partner that raised Dr. Bus with me thought this comment was perfect,

Now the best story about my soon to be 9 year old, Grant.  Last year I turned a cow out that we time AI'd and she still had her heatwatch patch on.  The herd bull was with her and 3 days later when we checked her the patch was colored, And I said darn it looks like the herd bull bred her.  5 minutes go by and Grant says, "Hey Dad,  I know how you breed cows A.I, but how does the bull breed them?"  I told him I didn't have time to explain, ask your mother when she get's home.  He persisted on, No Dad tell me, Does the bull jump up on the cow and brace himself with one hoof and use the other hoof to push the (AI) tool in the cow?  I finally had to explain to him what the bull uses for a tool.

Just thought it would be fun to share.  Nothing more fun than having your kids involved in a cattle operation.  Yesterday he asks if he can make the decision on what to breed his show heifer to next year for her second calf,  He want's to use Highlander.  We'll have to see.




Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I love your boys pictures! Get them & Jill's together & there would be no one standing!!!

Red  (clapping)


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
red said:
I love your boys pictures! Get them & Jill's together & there would be no one standing!!!

Red  (clapping)
Here's the 3 boys.



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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i shared this a while ago.  my grandmother died a while back two months shy of 100.  i took along my 4year old daughter at the time.  we were off to the side in the family section, so me and my daughter couldn't see the minister.  while he was talking, my daughter said, "daddy, is that God talking?"


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Tipton, IA
my 3 year old daughter, who loves to play dressup with the plastic "dress up" shoes, had just woke from her nap, and I had a newborn heifer in the basement that had been born in a snowbank on an a 20 below morning.  Anyway, Molly comes down stairs as the calf is taking her first steps.  She asked me why the calf is so wobbly? and I respond by saying that she is just learning to walk.  a minute goes by with the calf's new hooves making a little clicking sound on the concrete floor as she walks.  My daighter says, " Dad, if she is just learning to walk, why is she wearing those HEELS?"


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2007
When my daughter who will turn 10 Tuesday was about 4 years old she was always at the barn with us, saw one cow prolapse, saw calves being born, saw cows being bred AI, etc.  One evening we were castrating calves, I was working the headgate and my husband was sending them into the chute.  Then when caught I would castrate the calves while my husband tailed them.

Our neighbor was out walking and came down to see the calves and when she came in the barn said "Hey what are you all up to?"  My 4 year old turned around and without missing a beat said "Mommy is cutting the baby calves testicles out of their bellies.  Come on Daddy, send another one with some nuts in!".  We live in a very small community, there are still people reminding her of that because our neighbor told EVERYONE. 

About six months later while the cows were calving we got into the subject of how the baby calves got into the cows bottoms.  It just so happened that the two calves that were born were AI calves and somehow she remembered that they weren't with the bull so I had to explain that Daddy had bred the cows and went through the whole thing of how AI worked.  You could see the wheels spinning in her mind.  At the time my cousin was pregnant and ready to have her baby (you can see where this is going!!).  Caitlin suddenly got this startled look on her face and said "Well how did Leigh Ann's baby get in her belly??"

I don't think I will EVER forget that. 


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
knabe said:
i shared this a while ago.  my grandmother died a while back two months shy of 100.  i took along my 4year old daughter at the time.  we were off to the side in the family section, so me and my daughter couldn't see the minister.  while he was talking, my daughter said, "daddy, is that God talking?"
Very cute ones, I love the heels one Chap.  Knabe, you reminded me of another couple stories.  At our church during collection time,  the pastor always crouches down in the front with a basket and all the liitle kids bring up money.  About a year ago Gavin went up their and put his money in the basket, backed up then licked his finger and stepped back forward and gave the Pastor a wet willy.  Needless to say Mom and Dad were purple with embarassment.

Another story about Gavin:  Two things that he loves are wearing his John Deere stuff (to the Dismay of Grandpa a Red owner) and he loves cattle auctions.  In fact he probably sold over 200 head of cows in the van on the way to Wisconsin for a funeral a few weeks ago.  A week ago tonight was his Spring Program for preschool.  When the kids were all done singing the teacher had them come up to the Mike and say their name and recieve a certificate.  Most are pretty intimidated to just say their name, not my Gavin.  He says, " My name is Colonel Johnny Green and I love to Auction"  75-80 Parents and family were smiling and looking at us, WHAT?"



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Boy did those make my day. Guess Ill pick a couple and share. First we had a vegetarian board a horse with us for a while and she did not have kids. Well anyway she and my then 7 year old daughter were walking around and came to her horse pen and the male horse was getting ready to urinate. The lady get all embarrassed and started making up some stupid explanation about what that was when my kid interrupted her and said "what are you talking about that is his P---s." Gotta love farm kids that know the birds and bees better than some adults.
Next to the boy. Both my kids were born in May so when they were  a month or so were in the tractor baling hay with me at about a month or so and are there every year since, anyway when he was about 3 we were  baling and he starting to look around and I know he was thinking about something when he looked at me real serious and said" you know if you double raked this it would go a he$$ of a lot faster" How do you come back from that?


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
Richmond, MO
My son is almost a year old.
Monday night he was in the bath (our kitchen sink) and I went out to work on the garden.  I hear a knocking on the kitchen window and look up to see my son standing up in the sink beating with both hands on the window, soap in his hair, buck naked, and  yelling da da....da da.. da da...and smiling.  Behind him my wife was about to loose it.  What a great da da moment.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2007
When my nephew was about 3, I took him with me to AI a cow for a client.  He was well behaved and watched quietly.  When we got back to my brothers house, we were all talking, not paying any attention to my nephew.  Suddenly he appeared with one of his mom's dishwashing gloves on his hand.  Holding his hand in the air he said, "come here dad and let me clean the poop outta ya!"  For a moment we were all speechless, until we realized he had indeed been paying close attention when he watched the Ai'ing procedure.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
rmbcows said:
When my nephew was about 3, I took him with me to AI a cow for a client.  He was well behaved and watched quietly.  When we got back to my brothers house, we were all talking, not paying any attention to my nephew.  Suddenly he appeared with one of his mom's dishwashing gloves on his hand.  Holding his hand in the air he said, "come here dad and let me clean the poop outta ya!"   For a moment we were all speechless, until we realized he had indeed been paying close attention when he watched the Ai'ing procedure.
(lol)Sounds like home.  The boys are always trying to repeat what we did outside with the cattle.  They take each other and use a dog leash or necktie to tie each other up to the fridge handle then take the vacuum hose to blow the other out.



Well-known member
Mar 10, 2008
My 3 yr old (Lane) has quite the vocabulary. He consistantly cracks us up.
We tell him...Jesus loves you...He says, I know Daddy. We ask, who's Jesus' daddy...He says God. We ask where do they live...He says, In Heaven. So one night we were all eating Strawberry shortcake. I said, now this is Heaven. Lane replies in disgust, DADDY this isn't Heaven...this is Starberry shortcake!!
Pic is of Lane at 2 with his older brothers.


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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
BRdoc said:
My 3 yr old (Lane) has quite the vocabulary. He consistantly cracks us up.
We tell him...Jesus loves you...He says, I know Daddy. We ask, who's Jesus' daddy...He says God. We ask where do they live...He says, In Heaven. So one night we were all eating Strawberry shortcake. I said, now this is Heaven. Lane replies in disgust, DADDY this isn't Heaven...this is Starberry shortcake!!
Pic is of Lane at 2 with his older brothers.
Love the picture, I'll bet my wife won't want me to show it to the boys.  They'll want to take a family picture with cows in the background.



Well-known member
Mar 10, 2008
RSC, thanks for the comment. If you only knew how hard it was to keep those hussies from eating on the hay!! But, the boys loved it.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
A couple of years ago I was letting a friends young daughter show my daughters steer in the peewee showmship class and when the judge asked her what was her favorite thing she like about her steer and her reply was that she likes to milk him.  I told her parents I think its time to have a talk with her about the difference between steers and cows so she does not try milking him. We all got a good laugh from her response.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
sorry no kids things but when I tell woody "it's nap time" he grabs a bone & runs to the bedroom & jumps up on the bed & pretends he's sleeping.
Always wanted a nap dog!  (dog)


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
My dad is 88 years old.  He is very frugal and has very seldom had any new farm equipment.  Last year he had a weak moment, shocked us all and bought a huge new swather (windrower) with all the bells and whistles.  Dad wont even look at a computer, let alone how to negotiate anything other than a tv screen.  Long story, short,.... the delivery guy takes dad and my youngest son (3 people can fit in this cab) out to demonstrate cutting and how to run the thing.

Next day, on the maiden voyage, dad couldn't figure out how to do everything, especially the computer part.  My 12 year old then set up everything and helped Grandpa get things going.  Dad says, how do you know so much about this  stuff?  My kid says, "well Grandpa........I LISTENED!"


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
eastern ky
i have a precious 3 year old...and 3 year olds say the cutest things!!!

she calls the frig the "frig-i-kator", when she wants me to paint her fingernails, she says "mommy, will you paint my finger-tails?", she has a cousin named elizabeth that she calls "eliza-bug", when she toots she will say "mommy!  did you hear that tree-frog???" (her daddy taught her that one), and the other day she said "mommy!!!  do you know what makes grass grow?"  i said no, what makes grass grow, and she yelled "poopy!!!!!!!" (again, spent the day with daddy doing guess what chore?!?) 

we had a time getting her potty trained, she didnt want to sit still or stay on the potty long enough......so we resorted to extreme measures!  we started giving her a sale catalog to look at (seems like we get them daily and have an endless supply)....and you know what?  it worked!!! 


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Active member
Apr 21, 2007
Shippenville, PA
When our grandson was about four we took him to the fair to watch the steer show.  He had spent many hours with me, since he was a baby, checking cows for heat so that we could AI them.  At the steer show one of the steers tried to mount another steer in the show ring.  Eli stood up pointed and said loudly "Hey Grandma, time to breed 'em".  The crowd got a good laugh out of that!

When another grandson was about six he noticed that Grandpa wore big plastic gloves to keep his hands clean, but we don't let the boys actually near the cows when we AI, so they never saw the procedure.  They did notice that the cows leaving the chute had paint on them (we use a chin ball marker on a gomer bull).  One day after Grandpa put on his big gloves and went in the barn, a neighbor came along and asked Alex "Where's your Grandpa?"  Alex replied " He's in the barn painting the cows"


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
My 5 year old is always saying something.  I went to a local store and when we were checking out the sales lady offered him a sucker.  He took the sucker and said I want 2.  The lady said you just have one mouth, and Parker replied Yeah, but its BIG.