Just For Fun: Cute things said by your kids!

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Blue Rapids, Kansas
linnettejane said:
i have a precious 3 year old...and 3 year olds say the cutest things!!!

she calls the frig the "frig-i-kator", when she wants me to paint her fingernails, she says "mommy, will you paint my finger-tails?", she has a cousin named elizabeth that she calls "eliza-bug", when she toots she will say "mommy!  did you hear that tree-frog???" (her daddy taught her that one), and the other day she said "mommy!!!  do you know what makes grass grow?"  i said no, what makes grass grow, and she yelled "poopy!!!!!!!" (again, spent the day with daddy doing guess what chore?!?) 

we had a time getting her potty trained, she didnt want to sit still or stay on the potty long enough......so we resorted to extreme measures!  we started giving her a sale catalog to look at (seems like we get them daily and have an endless supply)....and you know what?  it worked!!! 

Can't wait untill Sue sees this one! (clapping)


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
My grandnephew was staying with us one time and needed to have his wet diaper changed.    As my wife was cleaning him up apparently she was a little overzealous because he told her "Be careful you'll hurt my Farmall!!!"  Can you tell his father sells IH equipment for a living??

My daughter saw a snowblower working for the first time when she was about 2 or 3 and told me "Look Dad,  they're combining snow!!"

Her sister saw someone laying sod when she was about the same age and commented "Look Dad,  they're putting down fake grass!""

dutch pride

Well-known member
Sep 17, 2007
SW Michigan
Our daughter came up with some winners when she was younger. One time she told us why when couples went on a trip after they got married it was called a honeymoon. She said that it is because that is when your honey "moons" you!!!

Also when one of her Aunts was going the have a tubal ligation, she was overheard saying that her Aunt was going to have her boobs tied.

She said so many of these we began to call them Hannah moments.



Well-known member
May 1, 2007
parts unknown
Was with some friends at the Mississippi River one day and their 4 yr old boy said Dad that sure is a big river but I think it would be bigger if it was in Texas.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Blue Rapids, Kansas
afhm said:
Was with some friends at the Mississippi River one day and their 4 yr old boy said Dad that sure is a big river but I think it would be bigger if it was in Texas.

You don't have to be 4 to say that one. I've heard it from just about every Texan I know!


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2008
My son wa about 5 years old when one driving over the railroad tracks he saw a pup had been run over by the train and laid there in two peices. He was very upset and I asked him why and his reply was "When he gets to heaven I hope both parts can find each other".  Same son one night we were sitting outside on the swing with the night sky full of stars he says "How does God turn all those stars on".  enjoy, Happy mothers day to all.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
A few years ago I was judging a 4-H show and the first class of the day was a class for kids who were in their first year of showing a calf. Many were between 4 and 8 years old, and were accompanied by their parents .... just in case they needed help. I was told to give them all a first place ribbon as it was just a class to help start them into showing calves on an annual basis. As I walked around the class and talked with these youngsters, I asked them some general questiions about their calves. I asked one little fellow if he knew how old his heifer was. He responded with a birth date.... obviously he had been drilled by his parents before the class. I cpmpleted the class and went on into some other classes.

When we got to the heifer classes, the young man who had been in the first class of the day, appeared with his heifer again. I asked him again if he knew how old his heifer was. He looked at me with a strange look on his face..... and said..... "she is about 20 minutes older than the last time you asked me".He certainly gave me a good chuckle. After the show, I was talking with his parents and I told them the story of what he had said. His mother was horrified, but I told her it was good to see a youngster with a good sense of humour.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
My sister was visiting the farm with her children, and we were all seated around the kitchen table having lunch. Directly across the table from me was my 4 year old nephew. I suffer from that male sydrome that causes the hair on your head to disappear and grow in places it was never intended to grow.... and I also had a beard at the time. I noticed that my nephew was staring at me, so I asked him what he was looking at?  He answered by saying " they put your head on upside down".  Too say the least, everyone cracked up.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Oh we were at a show this weekend...heavan help me Evan was in rare form.  Lost him for a while, he was in the showsupply trailer drinking pop with the guy shooting the breeze.  I find out my five year old is married and has a girlfriend!  lol (lol)  Guy said he smiled and winked at him and told him not to worry, its both the same girls lol.

Then we have a litter of puppies and he told the guy he put our mama dog in the "nursing home".  The guy asked why I put it in a nursing home.  I had to laugh.  I put the dog and pups in a whelping box, but my son calls it a nursing home because that is where the puppies "nurse". 

That boy is going to make me old quick lol


Well-known member
May 6, 2007
linnettejane said:
i have a precious 3 year old...and 3 year olds say the cutest things!!!

she calls the frig the "frig-i-kator", when she wants me to paint her fingernails, she says "mommy, will you paint my finger-tails?", she has a cousin named elizabeth that she calls "eliza-bug", when she toots she will say "mommy!  did you hear that tree-frog???" (her daddy taught her that one), and the other day she said "mommy!!!  do you know what makes grass grow?"  i said no, what makes grass grow, and she yelled "poopy!!!!!!!" (again, spent the day with daddy doing guess what chore?!?) 

we had a time getting her potty trained, she didnt want to sit still or stay on the potty long enough......so we resorted to extreme measures!  we started giving her a sale catalog to look at (seems like we get them daily and have an endless supply)....and you know what?  it worked!!! 

I have a very similar picture of my son reading a MCF sale catalog on the can( glad he picked up something from his old man). I gave a copy to Gregg and he put it in his sale catalog the next year. I can't wait until my son is about 18 and we can pull that out at a sale.


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
These are great!!!  Kids are just funny sometimes.

We were AIing one day, our then 4 or 5 year old daughter was watching - we'd explained what we were doing many times...   Anyway this day she said "I know you've told me, but I just don't see how there is a calf in that little thing".    



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
itk said:
linnettejane said:
i have a precious 3 year old...and 3 year olds say the cutest things!!!

she calls the frig the "frig-i-kator", when she wants me to paint her fingernails, she says "mommy, will you paint my finger-tails?", she has a cousin named elizabeth that she calls "eliza-bug", when she toots she will say "mommy!  did you hear that tree-frog???" (her daddy taught her that one), and the other day she said "mommy!!!  do you know what makes grass grow?"  i said no, what makes grass grow, and she yelled "poopy!!!!!!!" (again, spent the day with daddy doing guess what chore?!?) 

we had a time getting her potty trained, she didnt want to sit still or stay on the potty long enough......so we resorted to extreme measures!  we started giving her a sale catalog to look at (seems like we get them daily and have an endless supply)....and you know what?  it worked!!! 
Evan had a terrible time getting potty trained, unknown to us he had a bowl obstruction.  Once we got that fixed he was potty trained to Livestock Plus  and the Maine Anjou Voice
I have a very similar picture of my son reading a MCF sale catalog on the can( glad he picked up something from his old man). I gave a copy to Gregg and he put it in his sale catalog the next year. I can't wait until my son is about 18 and we can pull that out at a sale.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008
My kids have always looked for the sale catalogs and magazines in the stack of mail each day as well. The youngest is 3 now and he likes to sort the books by breed. He also goes through the show results in the magazines and points to each one identifying the breed. He nails the Herefords, Shorthorns, Charolais. Sometimes he'll ask if one is a cross or Angus. He also flips the pages asking each bull's name. He can identify about 10-15 by picture pretty easy. He asks the name of each person on the show results too. He can pick out the Defrank's blue colored Manchild steer in the show results bc of its color and markings and says that one's "the Franks". He noticed it on the Manchild ad.

I wish I had written down all the hilarious things that my kids had said over the years. We usually are hanging around other cattle folks so thankfully they get it. My daughter at age 5 told my Mom that my cousin had "settled" when charged with announcing her pregnancy, bc of course she knew the two words to be interchangeable at our house. That got a laugh but not as big as my Dad chiming in "When will she calve". Daughter just replied "I don't know" and didn't know what was funny about Papaw asking a reasonable question.

Older son at age 3 went with me when we took a 2 month old bottle calf to a FFA "Food for America" event at the local elementary school. A teacher was trying to lead her students into asking questions about the calf so she pipes up first with, "how old will the calf be when it makes milk" or something like that. As I start to explain that this is a beef calf (it was near all black with white socks, but hairy, thick, masculine, with hip and bone, pretty good one actually), my son crouches down right behind it, points a finger about 2 inches away between its back legs, and says loud enough to be heard above me, "Lady, it's a bull"


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
Throttle said:
My kids have always looked for the sale catalogs and magazines in the stack of mail each day as well. The youngest is 3 now and he likes to sort the books by breed. He also goes through the show results in the magazines and points to each one identifying the breed. He nails the Herefords, Shorthorns, Charolais. Sometimes he'll ask if one is a cross or Angus. He also flips the pages asking each bull's name. He can identify about 10-15 by picture pretty easy. He asks the name of each person on the show results too. He can pick out the Defrank's blue colored Manchild steer in the show results bc of its color and markings and says that one's "the Franks". He noticed it on the Manchild ad.

I wish I had written down all the hilarious things that my kids had said over the years. We usually are hanging around other cattle folks so thankfully they get it. My daughter at age 5 told my Mom that my cousin had "settled" when charged with announcing her pregnancy, bc of course she knew the two words to be interchangeable at our house. That got a laugh but not as big as my Dad chiming in "When will she calve". Daughter just replied "I don't know" and didn't know what was funny about Papaw asking a reasonable question.

Older son at age 3 went with me when we took a 2 month old bottle calf to a FFA "Food for America" event at the local elementary school. A teacher was trying to lead her students into asking questions about the calf so she pipes up first with, "how old will the calf be when it makes milk" or something like that. As I start to explain that this is a beef calf (it was near all black with white socks, but hairy, thick, masculine, with hip and bone, pretty good one actually), my son crouches down right behind it, points a finger about 2 inches away between its back legs, and says loud enough to be heard above me, "Lady, it's a bull"
I had Grants(9) steer at my Dads for a while and just got him back, Gavin(5) came to me and said, " Dad, can we go wash and blow Cascade(Steer).  A few minutes later, I hadn't responded, He says " Dad, can we go put a CIDR in Cascade?"  LOL.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
When my daughter was 7 or 8, she and I were looking at a semen catalog and I was talking to her about EPDs.  Her mother overheard us and asked what EPDs were.
My daughter turned to her with a very condescending look and said "Mom, if you're going to talk cattle you better learn what EPDs are!!  You need to start reading semen catalogs!!"  Now my daughter will turn 16 on Sunday, and all the condescending looks are for Dad!!


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
With an 8 year age gap between my brother and I, stories are still pretty vivid. We headed to our junior national and it was his first summer to show a heifer. She was dog tame, but he insisted she get some vitamin T to slow her down. The guy helping us complied to his request, only to give her a syringe full of water. Well, he is in the ring with her and she wants to exit the ring. Mind you, my brother was only eight or nine and could not get her to fully stop. A junior board member helped him out, as they often do, only to break out in hystarical laughter! We were mortified thinking of things that he could be saying b/c he was known to cuss and cuss. After the class, the board member came up, tears still in his eyes to tell us that brother had informed him that "They drugged the b****! you think she would stop!"  Poor kid can't really live it down


Well-known member
May 6, 2007
RSC said:
Throttle said:
My kids have always looked for the sale catalogs and magazines in the stack of mail each day as well. The youngest is 3 now and he likes to sort the books by breed. He also goes through the show results in the magazines and points to each one identifying the breed. He nails the Herefords, Shorthorns, Charolais. Sometimes he'll ask if one is a cross or Angus. He also flips the pages asking each bull's name. He can identify about 10-15 by picture pretty easy. He asks the name of each person on the show results too. He can pick out the Defrank's blue colored Manchild steer in the show results bc of its color and markings and says that one's "the Franks". He noticed it on the Manchild ad.

My son used to get so excited when he would see our adds in the SC. He always asked why he couldn't be in them. He was also able to point out Twig Marston, Kevin Kimmerling and Steve French in any picture he saw with them in it. It was kind of impressive and kind of sad all at the same time.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2007
SW Oklahoma
Having daughters raised with cattle we had many laughs after listening to their perception of what they see.
About 20 years ago my oldest went with me to check the calving cows.  A new born was being cleaned and the calf appeared to be yellow.  My daughter looked at me and said, "I didn't know cows liked mustard."  She was very observant, but not as good as the youngest.

She told her teacher we had a cow with two tails.  It took me a while to figure out that she had see a cow with a newborn and the cow had not passed her afterbirth.

We have had many laughs from the observations of our kids on the farm, but I really laughed about the young man in the show ring with the heifer that want to exit the ring.  That is a classic. (clapping)


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
Bumped because I thouight is was kind of an old classic!  I was using the search to find an old thread and found this one!  I miss Red!  (angel)
