Just so your aware. You can be sued for what you post on the Internet!

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Well-known member
May 14, 2007
Alamogordo NM
It's going to be extremely difficult to prosecute me...or whoever this is.  Get the point.

Ryan your naive to think that someone could not prove who you are with a little work and a few subpoenas.



j3cattleco said:
It's going to be extremely difficult to prosecute me...or whoever this is.  Get the point.

Ryan your naive to think that someone could not prove who you are with a little work and a few subpoenas.


How do you know that it's really Ryan who's posting, and not someone acting like Ryan?

What do you do about those people with rotating IP addresses, how can you track them down? 


Well-known member
May 14, 2007
Alamogordo NM
Who in their logical minds would allow someone to post under their name.  It's just like my credit card.  Do they really know it is me when I swipe it at a gas station?? No but if I haven't reported it stolen I'm responsible for the charges.  On the ip addresses there is always a way to trace.  I'm not smart enough to detail it, but I'm sure it can be done.



Well-known member
Jun 2, 2012
My two cents worth:

If you wouldn't be offended by your post if it was directed towards yourself, you shouldn't be worried about any lawsuits, plain and simple.

Some people can get a bit touchy though.

Treat people with the respect you yourself would expect, you can't go wrong!


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
cccf said:
j3cattleco said:
It's going to be extremely difficult to prosecute me...or whoever this is.  Get the point.

Ryan your naive to think that someone could not prove who you are with a little work and a few subpoenas.


How do you know that it's really Ryan who's posting, and not someone acting like Ryan?

What do you do about those people with rotating IP addresses, how can you track them down? 
He knows nothing about them. As evident by his last post. 

There's some geeks I work with that could get in here and post anything they wanted under anyones login name on here. 



Well-known member
May 2, 2011
Nacogdoches, TX
-XBAR- said:
cccf said:
j3cattleco said:
It's going to be extremely difficult to prosecute me...or whoever this is.  Get the point.

Ryan your naive to think that someone could not prove who you are with a little work and a few subpoenas.


How do you know that it's really Ryan who's posting, and not someone acting like Ryan?

What do you do about those people with rotating IP addresses, how can you track them down? 
He knows nothing about them. As evident by his last post. 

There's some geeks I work with that could get in here and post anything they wanted under anyones login name on here. 


Your screename is not what he was referring to.  Every internet connection has a unique IP address, which most certainly can be traced.  Most connections have a "Static" IP Address, which means it automatically changes at random.  This aids in protecting your security, however changing IP addresses will not protect you in cases like this because once an IP adress has been asigned to your connection it will never be assigned to anyone elses.  Your screename, something signed with your name online, will never hold up in a court of law.  They are to easy to hack into. Howver if you file suit based on something said online, one of the first things most likely to occur is for the courts to subpena IP Address records,  if the IP Address connected with the material in question does not belong to the person being accused, or the person being accused cant be very strongly tied to the IP Address, you will have a great deal of difficulty making the accusation hold up in court. 

While you can very much be held liable for any material you post on the internet, it is very rare for lawsuits such as the one posted to be successful, unless there is some type of history between the parties involved outside of the internet.

On a further note, I agree there are a lot of us that are very tired of the people on here that have some snarky reply to absolutely everything posted, and 90% of their posts generally have the same theme, the show cattle industry is out of touch with reality, the show cattle industry is a joke, I despise show cattle, etc etc.  I have the same question as most others on here.  If you actually despise show cattle so much, Why are you a member of a forum most largely directed to show cattle?  If you dont care about the show cattle industry, then why do you obviously spend all of your time  on this forum and respond to negatively to everything posted here? If you do care about the show cattle industry, then why do you spend all of your time putting it down on here and not getting involved and trying to improve it?

We have to remember that a large portion of those posting on here are youth or parents of youth that are just getting started and are trying to learn.  There is no need to go off the deep end, yes some people are going to make posts that seem uneducated, that is most likely because they are uneducated on the subject which is often why they are posting in the first place.  There is no need to belittle them, there are plenty of ways to educated them and give your honest opinion without being rude.  While I have tried hard not to, I am not naive and have no doubts that I have at some point unintentionally offended someone on here.  I even sometimes question my own posts because I feel like they seem to harsh, but I just dont know how else to word and say it to make it sound less harsh. 

The other thing to remember is that you dont have to agree or have the same opinion or methods as anyone else.  It does not make someone an idiot because they do not agree with you, thats what makes this whole thing work.  If everyone agreed on everything, then competition would be no fun.  We had a conversation at work this week regarding a very sensible debate that occurred between most of us.  One of my coworkers constantly responded with " I dont want to argue with you".  We finally told her that this wasnt an argument  it was a debate, we all understood and respected where each other were coming from.  One of them stated that the differrence between a debate and an argument was that a debate was a conversation that occurs between ADULTS that have differing points of view on a particular subject.  In a debate all parties listen to and respect the opinions of the others.  Debates often lead to a greater understanding for all parties, all parties being more knowledegeable on the subject, and in a lot of cases reaching compromises that are ameable to all parties.  An argument on the other hand is a very CHILDISH tantrum between 2 parties that have differing opinions and are angry that the other will not just fold and accept their opinion. Arguments most likely consist of neither party truly listening to the others opinions, thus no understanding of why either party has their opinion is reached, and no amiable agreement occurs.  Arguments often end with the situation either worse than it was to begin with or the outcome favorable to one side and not the other because one side just got tired and gave up.  A debate requires the use of brain cells and a thought process an argument on the other hand does not.


Are steer jocks and dog abusers considered on the same page now, because I don't see anyone posting about beating their dog-- such as the lady in the original lawsuit? 


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Twisted....on the th and pha topics......is it accepptable to discuss this? In the beef industries eyes the th and pha genetic lethal defects are not acceptable. The clubby steer calf industry doesn't want to hear anything about it......they have to use the genetic defect cattle to compete. I personally think that 8 year old kids should know that as "of today" these genetic defects are not ok for the beef industries genetic goals. They need to know that the genetic defect cattle are ok for the show ring.....but the genetics are worthless and almost a animal welfare issue in the beef industry. So can we discuss this issue.....can we correct this direction of germ plasma selection and make show cattle free from genetic defects....or is this bashing the show cattle industry.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I googled "debate terms". It came up DEBATE......"Debate is a method of intereactive and representational arguement". Words are powerful things.....take knabe's comment just above. 100 people would read it and translate it 100 different ways. I assume it is a condesending attack on me. Other people would interpet it differently. Would a court of law interept it as"KNABE infers that Craig Hoyt has no virtue? Or would a jury interpet it as something else.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
How on earth are people supossed to take you serious about your stand on TH when you took and tried to sell a TH carrier bull to Denver? Why wasnt that bull tested and cut way before he made a pen bull, like you tell other people to do?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
aj said:
I googled "debate terms". It came up DEBATE......"Debate is a method of interactive and representational arguement". Words are powerful things.....take knabe's comment just above. 100 people would read it and translate it 100 different ways. I assume it is a condesending attack on me. Other people would interpet it differently. Would a court of law interept it as"KNABE infers that Craig Hoyt has no virtue? Or would a jury interpet it as something else.

you debate style is intereactive.  almost to the point of a pull toy.  breed something.  display some of the virtue that is inside you that you demand so much in others.

you might be clearer in your typing as it's hard to interpret what you mean.

i can't tell if you mean interrupt, interpret, interpet (is that an internet pet like on animal jam?).  i need an interpreter.  

here's what i think you mean.   "my words have lost power because i fail to breed something or tell the poor show calf industry what to use."

words have power.  yours seem to have less and less with each pull.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
frostback said:
How on earth are people supossed to take you serious about your stand on TH when you took and tried to sell a TH carrier bull to Denver? Why wasnt that bull tested and cut way before he made a pen bull, like you tell other people to do?

can we sue for that?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
-XBAR- said:
I'm curious as to whether this site has more impressions today, or in gonewest's good ol days?

It's going to be extremely difficult to prosecute me...or whoever this is.  Get the point?

I'm all for showing cattle. I'm just anxiously awaiting the time when show cattle are evaluated on functional beef cattle characteristics.  Texas, with the slick shear shows, has it right - judge the animal on its own merit.

Its has more today, in fact, grows a bit every year.  However, it can't be statement of better times or worse times, just a statement that the website is a little more out "there".


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
Even with dynamic ip addresses, your ip at the time you made the post is logged.  Your isp as well, keeps a log of all your ip addresses as well as the date/time you used that ip.

So trust me, you can be found.

Your only defense is to go through a proxy server and route all info through there or a "clean" computer on a public/someone else's network.


Please kick aj off for eternity,the planet would be a better place for all