If you think a whole lot of the cow, it probably doesn't hurt to expose her & see what happens. I wouldn't expect too much, and I wouldn't be too lenient with her if she doesn't jump back in line. Sometimes I think Mother Nature tries to give us some pretty good hints we refuse to listen to!
We've had two C-sections in over 40 years. Both were heifers we bought as breds. The first one was actually my dad's cow, and I'm not sure exactly what her deal was. I don't think we tried to keep her afterward. I barely remember anything about her.
The last one I had was trying to have a 140-lb bull calf. I tried to help her by putting the calf pulled on the calf, and he didn't budge. I heard his leg pop, and I knew it broke, so I called the vet. I did keep the cow, and I made sure to breed her to calving ease bulls. She got along fine for a few years and eventually ended up losing a calf that she couldn't have & nobody was there to save. We culled her after that.
She had a few decent calves. She never had a great one.