i was talking with this a little with my wife and she mentioned that even though she is for the horse slaughter, it's with a catch. there should only be so many. with 12,000 thorougbreds bred each year, 700 go down with injuries, that's a 6% clip, and probably with the euthanasia drug, which means i think they can't be buried in some states due to ground water contamination, and they probably can't be eaten either. with 6000 males, and 6000 females, one can subtract quite quickly, the number of horses that either need to be euthanized, or "rescued" each year, along with the governments abuse of horses, the horse slaughter is actually quite humane. why shouldnt' there be a dual use for a protein source? why are the choicers always eliminating choice? i talked about this with my wife as well, and that since 1973, 50,000,000 humans have been killed. she said most of them were because there were accidents and condoms didn't work or some other factor. i asked her to produce those statistics and she got defensive, end of topic. i'm still amazed that choice is always arbitrary. i'd bet that a large number of PETA people are for birth control and abortion. this to me is their "weakness", logic, and hypocrosy, as usual.