reparations always trump economics.
this is what happened with the housing crisis.
banks were threatened with racism, ie redlining if they didn't make loans to people who couldn't pay for them. turns out they were smart enough to create a vehicle to sell the bad loans and the government was stupid enough to go for it and not only that, but buy the bad loans, since it didn't matter since they could simply print money. you don't need to agree or disagree with the video, but only need to understand that printing money and raising taxes and spending money through the government and picking winners and losers is all the evidence one needs to look for parallels throughout history to understand what is going to happen.
i can't remember how many years left of loans that were interest only liar loans, 2-3 years? but we still have that long to wade through all the bad loans.
the reason the government is propping up this pyramid is simply for property tax revenues. if state and local governments go down, the feds will need to print more money to convince themselves of a consistent revenue stream. one will need to BORROW money to maintain status quo. who is cutting back? certainly not fixed income and benefit people, in fact, their costs are increasing while the revenue to pay for them is going down, yet the feds won't increase the number of people who pay taxes, nor will they eliminate tax breaks for corporations like google that only pays 2 percent or some ridiculous low amount.
this guy sounds just like the guys who predicted the housing crisis. he must be wrong.
water is the eternal currency, nothing else. it's why all civilizations are created and die.