I remember seeing a few Diamond Cutter females back in the 90s or early 2000s, and I always wondered why he never became more popular than he seemed to be. I liked these females as they were pretty complete- thick made, long bodied , smooth and feminine headed. I am thinking they may have been a bit too moderate for that era. His sire, Diamond Legs 21, is a bull I have been looking for semen from for a few years. I remember a few of his offspring and they were impressive. There was only a limited amount of semen from both these bulls sent to Canada, so it was not around for very long. I expect there may be a few straws of both bulls sitting in a tank somewhere.
Both these bulls were TH free and Diamond Legs 21 was also PHAF. I am not sure if Diamond Cutter was ever tested for PHA and I don't think either bull has been tested for DS. If someone ever finds any of this semen I would suggest they don't toss it out... yet.