I agree about the black animal being a Black Welsh. There are still a few of them around in Western Canada. They did not catch on very well, but I have seen some good ones. Same thing with the Luing cattle. When I was in Scotland, I saw some extremely good Luings, and there were some very good ones shown at the Royal Highland show.
The Bristish Luing Association is one of the most progressive breeds in Britain in that they are spending their money fine tuning breed type. When I was there I talked with a guy who had been hired by the Luing Association to inspect every registered Luing cow in Britain and grade it on udder quality and teat shape and size. The ones I saw had pretty impeccable udders, but they are not satisfied and want every female to be graded so that any faults can be corrected. They also keep very accurate records on reproductive performance of all cows in the breed. If a cow goes too long without having a calf reported to the Association, they check it out to see what the problems are. I thought this was interesting, when you consider that here in N America, you could go three lifetimes without hearing from a breed association if you keep your fees paid and current.
When Sandy Cross, Rothney Farms, Calgary,AB was alive, he imported a sizable number of Luing cattle. His herd was probably one of the largest Luing herds in Canada and the US. He imported them in the height of the European breeds coming in, so his Luings never got noticed much. I saw some neat Luing cows at Rothney, when Sandy was winding down his cattle operations. I could write a few chapters on my rememberances of Sandy Cross and his great ranch. The last time I visited Sandy, he was really concerned that the city of Calgary would eventually eat up his beloved Rothney Farm. Shortly after my last visit, Sandy donated 50 square miles of his ranch to the Province of Alberta as a heritage site and a game preserve, with an agreement that it had to remain as such for 120 years. That was not many years ago, and today, the city of Calgary is building around 3 sides of the great Rothney Farm.It will not be long until it is completely surrounded by the city. Sandy was right in that his ranch would have been covered by pavement and houses in short order, had he not done this. I have no idea how much his ranch would have been worth to sell, but I am thinking it could have been sold for hundreds of millions.