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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2010
I was gonna stay away from this topic as i get pretty heated with politics. However, i have one question regarding obama. How can a man run for president on the basis that he was going to create change: turn the economy around, withdraw troops from the middle east, and restore peaceful relations, Then turn around and actually make our problems worse. He has skyrocketed the national debt, sent more troops to afghanistan, and now sending troops to fight on yet another front. Idk about yall, but isnt fighting on more than one front how countries lose wars. Anyhow, back to my question, as i did ramble there a bit, isn't there a way we can impeach someone who has blatantly disregarded the basis of what he was elected on in the first place?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
fed_champions said:
However, i have one question regarding obama. How can a man run for president on the basis that he was going to create change: turn the economy around, withdraw troops from the middle east, and restore peaceful relations,
isn't there a way we can impeach someone who has blatantly disregarded the basis of what he was elected on in the first place?

troops have been recalled from iraq....the econonmy was saved from shambles....and obama was awarded the nobel peace prize for foriegn relations...change was easiy compared to what he had to follow....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
thanks Jbarl, far from perfect but those are things he has done.  I didn't have any delusions when he was elected so i guess i am not shocked that we aren't living in a utopia where we export everything we want, import nothing and world affairs don't effect us, and i also am not shocked that the chinese haven't invaded us, that bond holders aren't running from our debt, and that communists are taking over.  I just love reality


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
JbarL said:
fed_champions said:
However, i have one question regarding obama. How can a man run for president on the basis that he was going to create change: turn the economy around, withdraw troops from the middle east, and restore peaceful relations,
isn't there a way we can impeach someone who has blatantly disregarded the basis of what he was elected on in the first place?

troops have been recalled from iraq....the econonmy was saved from shambles....and obama was awarded the nobel peace prize for foriegn relations...change was easiy compared to what he had to follow....jbarl

Nobel Peace Prize??? for foreign relations??? He had not had any foreign relations when he was given the Nobel Peace Prize....... Now he has a third war and he is killing Libyans!!!!!!Peace?.If you are for Libya, you should be for Iraq...............
Over 9% unemployment.... It has gone up the entire time he has been in office....... Unions are losing support since Obama has been in office. Obama said he would put on a pair of walking shoes and walk on that picket line with you.He wanted no part of the Wisconsin protests.... He said he would close Gitmo......We can't afford education for our kids(budget cuts in every state), but lets spend more money on Obamacare? Well at least it made them(you) feel better........... 

Jimmy Carter is so glad he lived to see how President Obama overtook him as the worst president in history!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
The Nobel peace prize deal really exposed it to be the joke that it is anyway. I think Obama will go down as a disaster......worse than Carter.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
aj said:
The Nobel peace prize deal really exposed it to be the joke that it is anyway. I think Obama will go down as a disaster......worse than Carter.

who in the world can beat obama now?.....trump?   no"politicians" are stepping up and even  giveing a reason to support convservatives now in theses tiimes...just a few millionairs and tv youi think the millionairs of the united states are going to foot the bill to run our country ?.....simply protecting the millionairs and there money doesnt make this country any safer or prosperous......when bush put boots on the ground in iraq and put saddams head on a stick...he expected the amercian people to pay for it....both finacially and  defensively...we've lived through the presidential diaster already....all that is left is the salvaging of our indepedence.....what happened to all the oil money from iraq that was promised by cheny to pay for the iraq overthrow??...jbarl


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2010
Morgan, Utah
If i was Libya i would be excited to have the USA bomb me. Think of all the new buildings and everything else you would receive. I also don't know of any business that would give others so freely when they were in debt as far as we the USA are.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
That's because governments are not businesses and thinking of them like such seems to be a faulty premise.  I sometimes do this myself and say no business would run this way.  Then i remember that government "functions" 365 with no holidays, few businesses do that to the degree of governments.  Still doesn't mean I feel it is ok for governments to be irresponsible and just do what they want however.


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2009
Kingfisher, Oklahoma
The problem is where the power currently lies within our government. The original ideas of the constitution were to give the power to the states. As of today, the states are basically a shell of what they were supposed to be.

I absolutely hate the political parties. Be it democrat or republican, they all suck. Can anyone explain to me how a republican senator from Oklahoma and a republican senator from Oregon and a republican senator from Michigan, all who are supposed to be elected voices of their constituents, all vote exactly the same way on every bill regardless of the specific needs each of their regions may have. I find it insulting that a major vote can be split exactly along party lines. I am confident in saying that within the 535 members of congress there are going to be dozens of members in each party that if they voted by their gut, if they voted on the voice of their people, if they voted by the priviledge they have earned as United States congressman and congresswomen and voted consciously knowing the trust we as voters have put in them, they would do what was in the best interest of the state in which put them in office, not by what side of the isle they sit. It disgusts me.

We are failing as a country. It has happened to every super power the world has ever known. The rise and fall of a power, its inevitable. Until our elected leaders pull their collective heads out of their asses and decide to do the right thing nomatter the consequences, we will continue to fail. Just my $0.02


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
agreed OK, i hate it when people from different states try throwing out a senator from a different state because of not voting along party lines enough.  I give them a break, though at times I believe a person needs to think about long term what is good for the country even if their constituents don't like it.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
If you stole the wealth of the top 5 % of people in the USA it would run the government about a month. The middle class is where the numbers are. There taxes run the country. We have sales tax and cigarette tax and sex tax and property tax and unemployment tax and employment tax and social security tax and fat tax and school bond tax. The big money comes from taxes on the middle class. The people that work for a living. As I said you could confiscate all the rich peoples wealth and it would do no good cause the numbers aren't there. But the class welfare plays well with the mentally challanged people.....the people who don't work and pay no tax.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
How many people do you think don't pay any taxes?  Gas tax, sales tax, property taxes (paid for by renters) effect nearly everyone if not everyone.  Just because someone doesn't write a check out to the state or federal government doesn't mean they are lazy fatties who don't have a job.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
Also I was thinking today,  I am a big free trade/globalization guru.  Now as such, I feel like i need to acknowledge that if we are going to tie our economy to other economies in the world and reap the mutual benefits, isn't a cost of that becoming involved in foreign affairs?  I just feel like I am being hypocritical saying globalization is great we need to embrace it, and then when something like this comes up and in Egypt's case to and there are nasty effects on our economy how can i say "well you will have that, you should have been smart and not built a business to send stuff to Egypt"?  This by no means gives a free pass to intervene in every skirmish and horrible human rights case in the world either.  Just somewhat torn on my economic and political worlds right now.


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2009
Kingfisher, Oklahoma
aj said:
If you stole the wealth of the top 5 % of people in the USA it would run the government about a month. The middle class is where the numbers are. There taxes run the country. We have sales tax and cigarette tax and sex tax and property tax and unemployment tax and employment tax and social security tax and fat tax and school bond tax. The big money comes from taxes on the middle class. The people that work for a living. As I said you could confiscate all the rich peoples wealth and it would do no good cause the numbers aren't there. But the class welfare plays well with the mentally challanged people.....the people who don't work and pay no tax.

You're wrong. The wealthiest 1 percent of the population pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the taxes. The bottom 50 percent, those below the median income level, earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes. Those numbers are based off of income tax alone, they don't include payroll taxes for Social Security or Medicare. In 2007, the top 1% paid more in taxes than the bottom 95%.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
No. I am saying if the government just took all the property of the rich it wouldn't amount to much. They need volume. That is why the taxes like sales tax,gas tax and these little taxes add up so fast is because of volume.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
it's unfair to tax people to cover their use of government because rich people benefit more so should pay more.

unions should be exempt and be paid more and have decision power on how taxes are distributed, especially through campaign contributions from taxpayer money laundered through mandatory government unions and mandatory contributions.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
BIGTEX said:
JbarL said:
fed_champions said:
However, i have one question regarding obama. How can a man run for president on the basis that he was going to create change: turn the economy around, withdraw troops from the middle east, and restore peaceful relations,
isn't there a way we can impeach someone who has blatantly disregarded the basis of what he was elected on in the first place?

troops have been recalled from iraq....the econonmy was saved from shambles....and obama was awarded the nobel peace prize for foriegn relations...change was easiy compared to what he had to follow....jbarl

Nobel Peace Prize??? for foreign relations??? He had not had any foreign relations when he was given the Nobel Peace Prize....... Now he has a third war and he is killing Libyans!!!!!!Peace?.If you are for Libya, you should be for Iraq...............
Over 9% unemployment.... It has gone up the entire time he has been in office....... Unions are losing support since Obama has been in office. Obama said he would put on a pair of walking shoes and walk on that picket line with you.He wanted no part of the Wisconsin protests.... He said he would close Gitmo......We can't afford education for our kids(budget cuts in every state), but lets spend more money on Obamacare? Well at least it made them(you) feel better...........   

Jimmy Carter is so glad he lived to see how President Obama overtook him as the worst president in history!

reality is....weve had enough "texas style" diplomacy and it just got us this far in debt and tied us up in the middle east for the last 10 years already.....listen tonight as the worst president in history gets us out of the bush's mess and see how easy its going to be to get out of two wars with folks that have no navy/airforce/ or armies....10 years...if ya wonder where the money went....listen closely this evening.....jbarl