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Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
Instead of charging 50 bucks to watch the auctions, why not charge 5 or so per auction and if you bid you get your money back?  that way even if you don't win, the seller has made that money back to help pay for the extra way to bring in sellers.  Also I think that they should have the process down to a science with very few problems before they go and start charging buyers for the right to use the site.  Also I think that sellers are already paying for the service to try to make more money than they would before.  That is why they are putting there sales on the internet not because they want to help the buyer they just want to make a few extra bucks. 


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
Torch said:
If I pay and the system doesn't work (Like at the KS Beef Expo) will pay me damages?

I mean if I am going to pay (and the seller is paying) it better work! Network or computer problems no longer cut it. But I have heard nothing from that they will guarantee us better service.

I for one will not be continuing with them.

I have mixed feelings about the whole "pay to play" concept. I can see both sides.  But, I will say that I have watched several Lowline sales with LiveAuction and for each one, the system failed and connections were lost at critical times.  I don't think I could have, technical-wise, have bid if I'd have wanted to.  And I have cable internet - very fast and dependable.  I agree with some who have said that internet cattle auctions have some work to do.  Maybe increasing bandwidth is part of the solution.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
If I log on and something isn't right, well, its free. I either hang with it and hope it gets fixed or I get up and leave.

If I long on and I PAID for the "privalege" to watch it and bid, it had BETTER be working 100%. If it doesn't work, then I am looking for compensation. Is that going to happen? Doubtful with the greed that is being exhibited.

If they are worried about "check people out", have them sign up ahead of time. People are getting lazy and not being responsible if they can not plan ahead and register for a sale ahead of time. Heck, do it once, and the rest of the sales are already done. Me paying for someone being lazy and procrastinating doesnt sit well with me.
The whole "internet auction" thing was set up for the SELLERS benefit. The more possible bidders, the more real bidders, the more money the cattle bring. Why should I pay for HIM to make more money?

I refuse to pay so that I can spend money. How stupid is that?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Davis Shorthorns said:
Instead of charging 50 bucks to watch the auctions, why not charge 5 or so per auction and if you bid you get your money back?  that way even if you don't win, the seller has made that money back to help pay for the extra way to bring in sellers.  Also I think that they should have the process down to a science with very few problems before they go and start charging buyers for the right to use the site.  Also I think that sellers are already paying for the service to try to make more money than they would before.  That is why they are putting there sales on the internet not because they want to help the buyer they just want to make a few extra bucks. 

To me that is still the same thing. And talk about a headache on giving credit if you bid & me keeping up with it to make sure it shows up on my card. No thanks. I'll keep my $50 & go somewhere else. I think it will cost the producers having the sale , bigtime. I don't pay to have the priviledge of making somebody richer & I don't pay a buyers premium. PERIOD!!


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
If EDJE is smart they'll step in with their live auction telecasts at a reduced rate to the sellers and within a short time they'll probably own the market.  As soon as the sellers see its costing them more than the number of additional bidders their getting, the market will correct itself--either in reduced or no charges to bidders or less usage by sellers.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2008
I hear both sides but having bought off of DV Auction late night when someone I know who's cattle have been put last for a good buy for the order buyers you pay to play just not in advance.   Sometimes being anonymous to others at the auction is a good thing but I have been approved and they do check because my banker called asking what's up. The impulse buyer shouldn't be accommodated for he'll more than likely be a problem even if the sale has went south in his opinion and he thinks it a steal IMHO.  I was planning on going to the Holiday Classic but can't and was going to call and get approved for I have seen the cattle I am interested in or have progeny asking for my CC at that time is not a problem for a reference but 50 bucks leaves a bad taste.  I have bought cattle for years at a sale Brad works I don't think it would be a problem to be approved quickly.  If you are from out of the blue than it is reasonable to have to jump through hoops and not be able to bid last minute.  Equipment auctions want a letter of credit faxed from your bank, no problem.  Many different ways to handle this but having 50 bucks makes me a reliable cattle buyer is a insult.  


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
On the website there are some of the Denver shows and sales.  The List has been growing rapidly lately.

Like anything else, if you have a opinion share it with those that can make a difference.  In this case the Sale Managers / Cattle Owners.



Well-known member
Sep 25, 2008
Middletown Missouri
Doc said:
Davis Shorthorns said:
Instead of charging 50 bucks to watch the auctions, why not charge 5 or so per auction and if you bid you get your money back?  that way even if you don't win, the seller has made that money back to help pay for the extra way to bring in sellers.  Also I think that they should have the process down to a science with very few problems before they go and start charging buyers for the right to use the site.  Also I think that sellers are already paying for the service to try to make more money than they would before.  That is why they are putting there sales on the internet not because they want to help the buyer they just want to make a few extra bucks. 

To me that is still the same thing. And talk about a headache on giving credit if you bid & me keeping up with it to make sure it shows up on my card. No thanks. I'll keep my $50 & go somewhere else. I think it will cost the producers having the sale , bigtime. I don't pay to have the priviledge of making somebody richer & I don't pay a buyers premium. PERIOD!!

Couldnt have said it better myself


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
This reminds me of the "Parade of Homes" that the local area builders and realtors put on every spring.  They charge a fee to go into the houses!  I feel the same way about that:  "You mean you're making me pay for the privelege of viewing a property I just might be interested in buying?  No way."  I just never go to them.  btw, I'm not sure Edje is a bunch of saints in a business sense, either.  I contacted them last year for bids on hosting and refreshing my site.  Never heard a single word.  I re-contacted them several times - NADA!  Nobody's perfect, I guess!


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
The explanation really didn't make a lot of sense. As someone stated they don't check you out when you paid while at a sale.

I think a lot also had to do w/ the fact that some watching made it a chat room.

W/ some of the sales having terrible positioning of video equipment, down time & a slower delay on people bidding on-line I just can't justify spending the money. I've seen a lot of time where an internet buyer places a bid but it's too slow to process.



Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
dori36 said:
This reminds me of the "Parade of Homes" that the local area builders and realtors put on every spring.  They charge a fee to go into the houses!  I feel the same way about that:  "You mean you're making me pay for the privelege of viewing a property I just might be interested in buying?  No way."  I just never go to them.  btw, I'm not sure Edje is a bunch of saints in a business sense, either.  I contacted them last year for bids on hosting and refreshing my site.  Never heard a single word.  I re-contacted them several times - NADA!  Nobody's perfect, I guess!
Here when they have a parade of homes & charge for entry , the money goes to a good charity.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
red said:
I think a lot also had to do w/ the fact that some watching made it a chat room.


I've never been able to ask a question or post a response to someone elses question unless I had a bidder number. I never could figure that out.



Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
Doc said:
red said:
I think a lot also had to do w/ the fact that some watching made it a chat room.


I've never been able to ask a question or post a response to someone elses question unless I had a bidder number. I never could figure that out.

When the connection was consistent and reliable, I have used the sale site as a "chat room".  I never needed a number to do that, but the connection was so faulty that questions often were never sent/received/answered.  As far as a chat room being a bad thing, I would offer that it allows a connection to people you probably know and are happy to hear opinions from.  I see it as a positive that you can chat with others who are watching.  Sort of like 'being there'!


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2007
Oakville, ON. Canada
Could we find a way for Brad to get a composit view of the opinions on this site about his change of business processes so he can perhaps rethink his approach?
I don't know whether or not he is a member of SP or if he lurks on the site.
Perhaps we could invite him to read the comments - pro & con.
I don't want to see his business disappear.
I just don't happen to agree with his new approach.
Perhaps he could be sent a e-mail of the comments/debate that has taken place on this site, a debate that has been in a very mature manner I would suggest.
The comments may be beneficial to him.

Just a thought.



Well-known member
Mar 13, 2008
Competition and the Free Market Place will dictate how any of the online auction sites conduct business in the future.


Well-known member
May 16, 2008
A lot of them might think about Superior Livestock Auctions at least you can watch them on RFDTV or the Internet.


Well-known member
May 17, 2007
San Antonio, Tx
uluru, I highly doubt he has any plans to change.  They claim to have gotten 500 subscribers so far.  $25k has a louder voice than most.

A lot of them might think about Superior Livestock Auctions at least you can watch them on RFDTV or the Internet.
Superior doesn't allow bidding online, charges $4,000 per HOUR, and will drop your sale for a polka or miniature train show if you go over on time.  The online auction systems charge in the range of $2,000 for the entire sale.  It's a no-brainer unless you are looking for the added exposure of Superior.

common sense

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
When we chose to use this route for our sale we were not aware of the charge or that may have made a difference in our decision.  We do not receive ANY of the "fees" that are charged. They did agree to refund the fee to anyone who purchased something online.  Although I may not agree with the fee structure I do understand why they had to do something so drastic.  The people that were simply using it as a means to watch the sale and not buy or bid were making it impossible for the bidding process to work well. It was like clogging up the arteries of the system.  Their purpose is to provide bidders not spectators although all are welcome in the stands.

As for wanting some kind of creditials or back check I guess that only seems fair when you don't have any idea who you are working with.  They are responsible for collecting the money from their bidders.  For all they know it could be some ten year old kid in South Africa bidding online.  They do not receive payment immediately following the sale....the sale barn has a warm body there that is accountable for payment and at the very least they will have a check in their hands and a drivers license for verification.

I also agree that it is always better to go straight to the source and ask your questions rather than speculate on a board. Live Auctions did a fabulous job and I appreciate the hard work that goes into having them help with a sale.
