I am located in southwest Nebraska and I am looking for 2 or 3 bred shorthorn females. I would prefer to work with private treaty. I am willing to travel. Does anyone have any suggestions.
1: Fieser Shorthorns Plains Ks.would be my first choice 2: Backenhus cattle-Columbus Nebraska, 3: Abertees -Oniels Nebraska 4: Brad Davis, mediapolis Iowa-he sells ,wheels and deals cattle and sells trailers and travels all around heres a link http://fieserspolledshorthorns.com/ O0
If you are looking for Show Shorthorns and willing to travel-- come over to Iowa and hit Sullivans at Dunlap and Cyclone Trace at Clarion. They definitely have a show track record.
If you're looking for a good foundation of attractive productive shorthorns. HUB's Ranch, Norton KS ( North east corner) . Old established breeders and only sell privately. Here is my nephew's Late May baby out of the Fantastic cow family......