Lumberjack Invitational Steer & Heifer Show
Saturday December 18, 2010 @ Stephen F. Austin State University Equine Center, Nacogdoches, TX
Check In and Weigh In 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Show Starts @ 10:00 AM
Judge: Dr Jason Banta(TAMU AgriLife Extension Beef Specialist)
Breeding Heifers, Prospect and Progress Steers
Steers: 3 Divisions(American, British, Exotic) Classes broken by weight within each division.
Heifers: 3 Divisions(American, British, Exotic)
Minimum of 5 Head to make a breed class within a division. All breeds with less than 5 head will show in AOB within their division.
Entry fees: $25 per head($20 if you Pre-Enter by Dec 13)
Sponsored by the Stephen F Austin State University Agriculture Show Team
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This our first year changing everything up, we would like to see how it turns out and will happily take any advice for next years show!
Saturday December 18, 2010 @ Stephen F. Austin State University Equine Center, Nacogdoches, TX
Check In and Weigh In 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Show Starts @ 10:00 AM
Judge: Dr Jason Banta(TAMU AgriLife Extension Beef Specialist)
Breeding Heifers, Prospect and Progress Steers
Steers: 3 Divisions(American, British, Exotic) Classes broken by weight within each division.
Heifers: 3 Divisions(American, British, Exotic)
Minimum of 5 Head to make a breed class within a division. All breeds with less than 5 head will show in AOB within their division.
Entry fees: $25 per head($20 if you Pre-Enter by Dec 13)
Sponsored by the Stephen F Austin State University Agriculture Show Team
For more infor email
This our first year changing everything up, we would like to see how it turns out and will happily take any advice for next years show!