Maine-Anjou Progress in Motion

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I am humbled by how well you put it. I have never thought that the Maine breed is doomed. I'm just curious that the Maines are held up as an example but very few comments on the Shorthorns or the Chi's? The Maines have taken a stand, I'm sure there are many kinks to be worked out. I'm also sure there will be changes before the final product is put before the board for a vote.

You have earned an extra cup of coffee for that post for sure!


Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Common Sense: Very good comments and true!!

I do commend the maine breed for doing something, anything is better than nothing....heck, the shorthorn assoc won't even return calls!!!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
DL said:
Moved by Radamacher and seconded by Nessler to put females under the same registry rules concerning genetic defects as bulls, effective Jan 1, 2011. Motion failed, two were for and 10 opposed.

this will probably be the most contentious part of the debate as some breeders may view this as going to far, esseentially giving no time to generate free lines from carriers which may take more than one generation.  the gene pool is too narrow.  some breeders would probably leave.  for the fullbloods, it's already dangerously low.  no bulls, but allow cows seems like a good comprimise for at least 5 years if not a little more.  there is a test, and it works.  some breeders are in a better position clean wise than others.  they can continue to use the clean genetics, and the test drastically reduces the number of carriers that could get used.

opinions on whether we even need fullbloods any more due to time it takes to get them homo black, polled and homo solid patterned?  what would be utility of fullbloods in commercial herds if all white could be removed, assuming other traits were within targets, ie bw?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
DL said:
Moved by Radamacher and seconded by Nessler to put females under the same registry rules concerning genetic defects as bulls, effective Jan 1, 2011. Motion failed, two were for and 10 opposed.

this will probably be the most contentious part of the debate as some breeders may view this as going to far, esseentially giving no time to generate free lines from carriers which may take more than one generation.  the gene pool is too narrow.  some breeders would probably leave.  for the fullbloods, it's already dangerously low.  no bulls, but allow cows seems like a good comprimise for at least 5 years if not a little more.  there is a test, and it works.  some breeders are in a better position clean wise than others.  they can continue to use the clean genetics, and the test drastically reduces the number of carriers that could get used.

opinions on whether we even need fullbloods any more due to time it takes to get them homo black, polled and homo solid patterned?  what would be utility of fullbloods in commercial herds if all white could be removed, assuming other traits were within targets, ie bw?
it seems that the utility in commercial herds would be the growth to weight/ age ratio.....easy birthing/  yada yada the commercial herdsman, allthe maines benifts, minus the 25% death rate possibilities, blk or bi-colored shouldnt make a difference ..... if a clean maine bull was started on a registerd angus herd would the progeny not be phaf, if the angus % held no phac genetics?  :)))  thanks  jbarl?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Does anyone think hs nobody's fool was pha positive from the paramount #77 bull? She was probably clean. But if not 70% of the shorthorn show cattle would be loaded.