Well-known member
My son has taken some lashings at our local sale ever since he started showing! My husband's employer has given our son top dollar for his animal every year. One year my son's animal brought more than the reserve Champion animal, which actually brought a very low premium. You can bet that kid's parents pitched a fit!! They forced the board to put caps on the sale. Now the reserve has to bring 10% less than grand, then blue ribbons can bring 10% less than reserve and reds 10% less than blues. We greatly appreciate the money this man gives our son......but don't understand why others get so worked up. My son still sends out buyer letters and goes door to door in person, shakes potential buyers hands, introduces himself and invites them to our show every year. My son has others that contribute money also, and for the past three years, we have turned buyers away, and asked them to put their money towards other children that need it for their project. Yes, it is very political, but I don't think you can tell people who to give their money to. The man that contributes the most to my son is not a big supporter of the show, therefore my son is not taking money away from others. Actually, I don't think he would even show up at the sale if my son was not showing. Okay, I'll get off my soap box now!! As you can tell, this is a sentive subject for me!!!