Steers - I think 2 is the most complete steer in the sale. But I really like that #4 Blue steer, he is one cool dude gonna catch your eye and has the substance to back it once he has your attention.
Heifers-Lot 3 is a really nice heifer, deep and sound, maybe not the most powerful but adequate none the less and she is really stylish. Lot 17 may be my favorite heifer in the sale, she may not be the best overall, but that is one nice Foundation Simmi heifer. Blue is hot, and I like a good blue heifer and I think the Lot 5 is a pretty cool piece herself. I like the lot 13 heifer ok, but there is just something about her front end that doesnt sit completely well with me.
Market Heifers - I really like the lot 43 heifer.
But come on, this is Matt Lautner's sale, they have scoured the country putting together the best set they can, your not gonna knock a whole lotta holes in any of them.