4000 people die every year from drug war related activities in Mexico. we are importing a civil war into the US for democratic votes and republican labor.
it is inexcusable that neither candidate mentioned anything to do with immigration in 3 debates, nor was it brought up as a question. a total and complete lack of responsibility.
it is my view that both parties are one and the same, more and morer, less and lesser, nothing different, no change, no hope.
more, not only can't obama vote and take stands, he's the same way with the world series.
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1008/14750.html please obama, we're not in 1st grade where the adults try to remove scoring but the kids know the score.
On Oct. 11, Obama told a crowd in the City of Brotherly Love — the biggest city on the key swing state of Pennsylvania: “My White Sox are gone, so I’ll go ahead and root for the Phillies now.”
Yet in Tampa on Monday afternoon, where he was introduced by Rays players Fernando Perez and David Price, Obama also seemed to express support for the Rays, telling the crowd that he had just met with several members of the team backstage.
"I have said from the beginning that I'm a unity candidate, bringing people together. So when you see a White Sox fan showing some love for the Rays and the Rays showing some love back, you know we're onto something here,” Obama said.
Obama said. typical, always playing both sides of every issue and NEVER taking a stand unless it's for killing a baby who managed to survive an abortion, even though both boxer and feinstein voted for the EXACT same bill limiting the procedure as did over 90 senators. there is NO ONE to the left of obama.
In divorce papers filed Monday, the wife of Congressman Tim Mahoney claims her husband “recently sold jointly owned real property” moved the proceeds to an account in his name and “dissipated funds from said account.”
Terry Ellen Mahoney also claims that in the last two years Tim Mahoney “dissipated marital assets” and asks for a full accounting of the transactions so that she can collect her share.
at least republicans have the decency to quit when they are addicted to something. you can bet pelosi won't call for an investigation. she has no morals, the only concept of right and wrong is if you get caught, and then when you do, if it's not illegal, then it's not wrong, and then if it's illegal, if you're a democrat, you get off lightly with minimal press investigation compared with a republican.