Memorable times

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
What are some of SP reader's most memorable times that have happened at stock shows.  It can be sentimental or funny or whatever.

Mine is my son winning his first belt buckle. Last December we had a FFA chapter show for our area, he won the show with his Simmental steer. The ironic part was that the judge that awarded him his first belt buckle also is the same man that awarded me my first belt buckle 20 something years ago ( I know I am getting old) it was a very sentimental moment.

Now my 6 year old daughter has a heifer that she will be showing at the county fair first part of September, she also wants a buckle but I don't think it is going to happen.  I wish it would though she is such a hard little worker!!

Angus Gal

Jul 27, 2008
Buckles are a big deal at our house too. I would have to say mine would have been my first year elgible to show at Angus Jr. Nationals. I ended up being Reserve Division at Angus Jr. Nationals and able to be in the Best 5 Head Show too. Illinois ended up winning that too. We came home with two big banners.

A funny story for us would be at a county fair a half hour before we started clipping on the october calf (who happened to be loose from the trips from Jr. Nationals, County Fair, State Fair, and a few other county fairs) She got up and was ready to poop when she coughed and let it go at the same time. Here is the 10 year old boy with a heifer in the first class (who is completely filthy now) and a little boy covered in poop. He still enjoys telling the story!   


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
About the second year our son showed in the county fair and he was a little booger. I was at home holding down the fort. Anyway I came into town after lunch and there was a ambulance there in the yards. My wife and 100 people were standing over a boy who had been run over by a heifer.A 3 wheeler had spooked the Charolais heifer. It was our boy. He was o.k. with bruises and what not. After that we spent alot more time getting stuff ready for shows and we laugh about it now. ;D


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
not exactly a show ring memory, but one time my grandma came to our county fair and she was standing where I bringing the heifers in the stall at.  she tried to get out of the way but she fell backwards over a straw bale and fell perfectly into a fresh, steaming, pile of you know what!  :D :D :D :D :D


Well-known member
May 18, 2007
Courtney Hughes- Bagley, Iowa
it didn't happen to me, but a pretty funny one this year was seeing tyler faber's grand champ 4-H market steer get away from him. another really funny one was seeing metinka slater's steer get away in the governor's charity steer show.

here are the videos

faber: coming soon


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2008
Wow.. if that doesn't look like fun!  How does the govenor's charity show work? 


New member
Aug 20, 2008
minimoo38 said:
it didn't happen to me, but a pretty funny one this year was seeing tyler faber's grand champ 4-H market steer get away from him. another really funny one was seeing metinka slater's steer get away in the governor's charity steer show.

here are the videos

faber: coming soon

Now let's be fair.  she did that as a favor for a friend and has NEVER been around steers, let alone try and lead/show one.  That thing was acting up all the way from the barn to the show ring and once it hit the sand it took off.  I told her to let go rather than get hurt, unfortunately, it knocked her down as it took off.  After that she was fine and actually had a good time.  I will also say that we have a real appreciation for what it takes to raise, show, etc.  Our hats off to all of you that do that for a living.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
Every year that I can remember, there has been a sculpture of a butter cow in the Agriculture building at the Iowa State Fair.  People stand in long lines for a glimpse and there is always quite a bit of publicity about the cow.  The main cattle barn is about a block or two away and on the north side there is an area where dairy cows are milked periodically in public view to allow the city folk a chance to see where chocolate milk comes from.  There is a stand adjoining the milking parlor that sells various dairy products.  My sister was watching the milking demonstration last week while waiting for her husband to get a chocolate shake when a family walked up beside her and watched the cows being milked.  The mother of the family said, "I don't know why they call 'em the butter cows, but I come see 'em every year!"  My sister was going to break the news to them, but decided to leave well enough alone.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
oakview said:
Every year that I can remember, there has been a sculpture of a butter cow in the Agriculture building at the Iowa State Fair.  People stand in long lines for a glimpse and there is always quite a bit of publicity about the cow.  The main cattle barn is about a block or two away and on the north side there is an area where dairy cows are milked periodically in public view to allow the city folk a chance to see where chocolate milk comes from.  There is a stand adjoining the milking parlor that sells various dairy products.  My sister was watching the milking demonstration last week while waiting for her husband to get a chocolate shake when a family walked up beside her and watched the cows being milked.  The mother of the family said, "I don't know why they call 'em the butter cows, but I come see 'em every year!"  My sister was going to break the news to them, but decided to leave well enough alone.
Oh my gosh that is too funny!!!!!!  She probably made a wise decision to not say anything!!! ;D ;D


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
Back in the late 80's we were at the Houston Livestock Show, all of us kids were really good friends.  One of the boys in our group was hilarious (he should have been a stand up comedian).  We were trying to win the heardsman award, so we were cleaning our stalls and sweeping our ailse.  Then a family came down our isle and were looking at the animals,  they were trying to decide which cows were boys and which cows were girls.  (They were all steers)  Oh my gosh this was all it took for him to take over.  We laughed so hard we were crying, he had them down on their hands and knees looking underneath the cattle.  They were really good sports, they were laughing right along with us!!!  After the shinanigans we let their children pet some of the cattle and they said that it made there day!!!!!!! :D :D :D


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
you would be surprised what some kids do when they are trying to pass the time.

At one of our local shows a bunch of 4-hers, myself included stuffed a pair of pants full of straw and stuck the end of it under one of the cows. While one of the girls sat outside on a chair facing away from the barn and pulled on some fishing line to make the leg twitch. Well needless to say we got some laughs out of it.

Though we had many antics another one that comes to mind is when a friend of ours stuffed some dollar bills and one 5 in the manure dumpster and told a group of "eww what's that smell" young teenager kids there was money berried in there. It was like a stamped they dive bombed it, and ripped threw the manure, getting themselves completely covered to find the money. I wonder if their parents ever let them go back to the fair after that one.