MF Pacer cow

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Because, Doc, I only used bulls that I knew the BW's on, and had made personal visits to their breeders and viewed their dams. I used, almost exclusively, Bulls from Shorthorn Breeders Y'uns ain't never heard about, and, probably never will, as most of them are working on "Thousand Hills Ranch", nowadays. Guys like Tom Deffenderfer, Max Whittle, Dr. CE Harlan, and Russell Sloan, for example. I also bought bulls from Brian Banzet, Paul Bridwell, and Stanley Stanton. People with common sense. I used the following AI bulls :Waukaru Carnegie, and GFS Creole, and NEO-SHO-Millenium (Red Angus).
Doc, I have seen FIRST HAND, with my own eyes, a giant, dead one out of Durango. Again, at the place of somebody in SW MO, who wanted a single great one, instead of a pasture-full of good ones that calve unassisited and raise a calf to weaning every year. Different strokes for different folks, and, my opinion isn't obviously, worth the price of a 20-ounce Soda. However, don't take my word for it, refer to Cody Nelson's column in the current Shorthorn Country. I'm not the only one who's stirring the pot.


GB, First of all , a lot of those guys you mentioned I have met. I geuss if all those guys with "common sense" are dead , I geuss the rest of us people with no common sense need to just to go ahead & hang it up. As far as that big Durango calf goes , I presume it was all the bulls' fault. I'm sure the cow's genetics or how she was fed or if he checked his cows when they were due never figured into the equation. As far as Waukaru Carnegie goes, I owned his sire Irish Marc , he was a calving ease sire that the majority of his calves didn't perform well enough for what I wanted. The dtrs made pretty good cows but you sure didn't get any show calves. It just depends on what you're trying for. Your opinion is valued as much as the next person (except for JIT, he's got a lot of knowledge & he's more diplomatic than you & I ;)) , it's just that you sure think that your way is the only way. 


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
If you are interested in trying Optimum, I think SEK Genetics still carries him. Optimum sired the top selling heifer in the Shadybrook sale a few years ago. Anothewr daughter sold for $6000 in Toronto. In my herd, I have kept every bull calf and every one has been sold as a breeding bull.... all out of first calf heifers.  Every female has become a breeding female. I have had no throwaways... and he calves easy. I think he is a good choice for breeding heifers. He is homozygous polled as well. I will be flushing to him this year as well.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
Doc said:
Because, Doc, I only used bulls that I knew the BW's on, and had made personal visits to their breeders and viewed their dams. I used, almost exclusively, Bulls from Shorthorn Breeders Y'uns ain't never heard about, and, probably never will, as most of them are working on "Thousand Hills Ranch", nowadays. Guys like Tom Deffenderfer, Max Whittle, Dr. CE Harlan, and Russell Sloan, for example. I also bought bulls from Brian Banzet, Paul Bridwell, and Stanley Stanton. People with common sense. I used the following AI bulls :Waukaru Carnegie, and GFS Creole, and NEO-SHO-Millenium (Red Angus).
Doc, I have seen FIRST HAND, with my own eyes, a giant, dead one out of Durango. Again, at the place of somebody in SW MO, who wanted a single great one, instead of a pasture-full of good ones that calve unassisited and raise a calf to weaning every year. Different strokes for different folks, and, my opinion isn't obviously, worth the price of a 20-ounce Soda. However, don't take my word for it, refer to Cody Nelson's column in the current Shorthorn Country. I'm not the only one who's stirring the pot.


GB, First of all , a lot of those guys you mentioned I have met. I geuss if all those guys with "common sense" are dead , I geuss the rest of us people with no common sense need to just to go ahead & hang it up. As far as that big Durango calf goes , I presume it was all the bulls' fault. I'm sure the cow's genetics or how she was fed or if he checked his cows when they were due never figured into the equation. As far as Waukaru Carnegie goes, I owned his sire Irish Marc , he was a calving ease sire that the majority of his calves didn't perform well enough for what I wanted. The dtrs made pretty good cows but you sure didn't get any show calves. It just depends on what you're trying for. Your opinion is valued as much as the next person (except for JIT, he's got a lot of knowledge & he's more diplomatic than you & I ;)) , it's just that you sure think that your way is the only way. 

As far as the heavy Durango calf goes, we have to remember to also consider the dam's genetics.  I've heard it said that at least 60 percent of a calf's genetic makeup usually comes from the dam's side. 

Sometimes we are too quick to place all of the blame on the bull without considering the dam's genetic makeup also. 


showman ne

Well-known member
Apr 9, 2008
I wasn't trying to upset anyone with my recommendations. I recommend only sires that i have had calves out of personally or have seen calves out of. I only recommend new sires if I have seen them unfitted and in person. I've been in the shorthorn deal for 11 years now. I seen some great ones, some good ones, and some train wrecks. I know I'm just a "young'un" but I'd like to think that I've learned something over the years. I was just giving an opinion and trying to help a fellow cattleman. As for the article in the Shorthorn Country last month I didn't see where he said to quit using the new bulls. I believe the focus of his article was on calving ease. Yes the shorthorn breed as a problem with high bw, however with proper management you can still use some of these bulls with no problem. Remember that 50% of the equation is the cow. This is just my opinion on things.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
I appreciate everyone's help and advice I will take it and do a little research of my own on the side. Thanks again!


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
trevorgreycattleco said:
What do you think about it? Go with your gut. JIT do you still use optimum ?

I still have Optimum in my semen inventory, and did not use any this year on my heifers as I bred all my heifers naturally to our Bar Code bull. I did flush a female to Optimum this year and hope to flush another to him in the next couple months. In the recent Shadybrook sale, 2 maternal sisters to Optimum sold. One brought $14,500 and the other $6850. Both were cows so they weren't fuzzy show heifers.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
if going shorty, kick it old school with oak view trump card. if clubby try crimson tide, red bull, or tiger woods