Michigan Horse Abuse Story

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2007
Does any one have first hand knowledge of this supposed horse abuse case in Michigan,  www.GLHorseTruth.com .

I heard this being discussed on the radio and seems to be quite a misjustice, if what  I am hearing is right.

Scary that you could have your property, livestock, tack, and vehicles taken from you when even DVM's say that your livestock are in good health.  Neighbors on the radio claimed that they had been reported to Animal Control, because their cows were outside of a barn when it was snowing.

Thanks in advance and have a good one


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
this link is disugusting, but the american public is too busy to notice.  nothing happening, move along.

ten planks of communist manifesto.  it's almost here folks.  last gasp will be the inheritance or death tax which will be used to fund everything from a replacement for social security, health care etc, under the guise of capitalism?  don't believe it?  look closely at hillary's platform.

communist manifesto follows.

First Plank: Abolition of property in land and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2nd Plank to the Communist Manifesto -"A heavy progressive, or graduated, income tax.
The 3rd plank to the Communist Manifesto - "Abolition of all right of inheritance"
The 4th Plank to the Communist Manifesto - "Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels."
Fifth Plank: Centralization of credit in the hands of the State,
6th -"Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7th - "Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan."
8th Plank to the Communist Manifesto -Equal liability of all to labor, establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture
9th Plank to the Communist Manifesto - "Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equitable distribution of population over the country
Tenth Plank: Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

also, the following is usually associated with communism.

Among the Bourgeois complaints the manifesto defends are: abolition of family, abolition of religion, socialization of education, and abolition of nations

just keep your head in the sand, it will soon be over, and your kids won't notice, they will be singing.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
colosteers said:
Does any one have first hand knowledge of this supposed horse abuse case in Michigan,  www.GLHorseTruth.com .

I heard this being discussed on the radio and seems to be quite a misjustice, if what  I am hearing is right.

Scary that you could have your property, livestock, tack, and vehicles taken from you when even DVM's say that your livestock are in good health.  Neighbors on the radio claimed that they had been reported to Animal Control, because their cows were outside of a barn when it was snowing.

Thanks in advance and have a good one

This is a county south of us - although I have no personal knowledge of this case - similar cases in our county were related (IMVHO) to some vendetta by some person with power - I abhor animal mistreatment but something seems real wrong here


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Blue Rapids, Kansas
Our brood mares come in at weaning time, after being in tall grass all summer, in less flesh than that.

"If?" this is all legit, I'd bet my bottom dollar there is some under lying issue! And we're only being fed part of the facts.

We often get propaganda from activists for animal "welfare",  for me it's easy to see that photos have been doctored, and words missconstrued to play on humane emotion.

Why do you think adopting government owned horses, off BLM land is called "rescue"?


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
ELBEE said:
Our brood mares come in at weaning time, after being in tall grass all summer, in less flesh than that.

"If?" this is all legit, I'd bet my bottom dollar there is some under lying issue! And we're only being fed part of the facts.

We often get propaganda from activists for animal "welfare",  for me it's easy to see that photos have been doctored, and words missconstrued to play on humane emotion.

Why do you think adopting government owned horses, off BLM land is called "rescue"?

They have sold all the horses and the men are up on animal torture charges - not abuse, not neglect but torture - I am not sure of the legal definition of animal torture...apparently one of the studs was one of the top speed paints in the nation (hope I got that right)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
do gooders mostly do good unto themselves and do bad to you, otherwise, they wouldn't be so motivated.  see communist post about property rights.  it's over baby.  the trend is moving slow enough not to be noticed.  it's called the incrementalist approach, same as microsoft, improve as little as necessary.  same as communism.  now, your estate will be taxed at 55% upon your death, and we get mad when the oil companies make 6-8%.  see how easy it is to manipulate the population?  who needs facts.  no question mark cause it's not a question.


Well-known member
May 18, 2007
Courtney Hughes- Bagley, Iowa

how are those conditions better?
      column 1, pix 1- the poor horse is standing in some nasty looking mud.
      column 1, pix 4- there's standing water and shreds of hay bale net wrap EVERYWHERE!!
      column 1, pix 3 & column 2, pix 4- you can't tell me that those buildings are safe, offer protection, or are warm.
      column 1, pix 8- why is there a tarp hanging over a fence post?
      column 2, pix 6- there's a huge pile of who knows what in the background

who's taking care of these horses, because there seems to be a lot in the pictures.
      column 2, pix 7- there is sure a lot of buckets along the many fences and pens


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

the conditions don't have to be better, all that matters is that they were taken away.  this is the memo, over and over and over.  there are very few documented successes against incrementalism.  it's why the founding fathers did what they did, in spite of the 30% who were for england, the 40% who didn't care either way.  pretty much similar to how it is today.  no wonder eduction is not a priority.  if it was, they wouldn't be so successful.  selling absolutism is easy, it preys on emotion.  it's a form of nationalism utilized by so many dictators.

Barrel Racer

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Been following this story since it happened on a barrel horse website (they had to cease all discussions because of legalities of the case).  Anyway I have never met these guys, and I will admit that there could have been some things done to the place to make it better, but torture is really stretching it.  They have logical explanations of the three that looked bad (two 20+ year old broodies and one that had severe colic).  I read all of the court transcripts and the judge has no idea about horses.  He took the words of an "expert" who ran a hunter/jumper showbarn and concluded that all horses needed to be kept in those conditions (kept in a stall with limited turnout, stalls picked 3 times a day, fed high grain diet, etc...).  I don't keep my horses in those conditions, mine are outside 24/7 with stalls they can come in when they want, diet consisting of mainly roughage, and I personally think mine are happy, healthy horses.  Minimoo:  Just a comment on the mud and water, those pics were taken by AC I guess in March, not sure where you live, but good luck finding ground that isn't muddy and water standing in March up here.   I know my dry lots look exactly like that.
The fact that the news reported horse that were emaciated and had been abandoned for 6 months, come on...if they had gone all winter with no food or water they'd all be dead.  I have heard some people talk that bought some of these colts at the first auction.  The "vet" that drew coggins apparently couldn't mouth the horses and tell how old they were, people got coggins papers on horses that were obviously not marked the same and were called 4 years old when they were weanlings.  They were infested with internal parasites, one had kidney problems from diet, and their feet hadn't even been touched (hubby is a farrier so I'm fickle about feet).  I might add that AC had been in possession of the horses for 6 months at this time.  I'm irrate over the deal, mainly because of the precident it sets.  I know that we have had people complain about us blindfolding our horses...they were fly masks.  I'm sure that someone could find a lot of things wrong with my barn and stalls, like how how could I have prevented my colt from almost breaking his ankle two weeks ago??, we missed covering boards and making the stall sides solid in one little spot.  It sure doesn't mean I torture my horses and it sure doesn't make it okay what has happened to these two guys. JMHO
One of the studs they stand is Treasured, they also have two other really nice stallions Sky High Fame and Buggy Full of Money.  Some of those mare are AAA mares in foal, all nice horses.


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
This is a county south of us - although I have no personal knowledge of this case - similar cases in our county were related (IMVHO) to some vendetta by some person with power - I abhor animal mistreatment but something seems real wrong here[/color][/b]

I'm also not far from Jackson County.  Curious, DL, what county are you in?  I know nothing first hand once the auction was announced.  I always thought it odd that everything got vary quiet after that.  It was BIG news for a while, t hen ....nothing!


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
dori36 said:
This is a county south of us - although I have no personal knowledge of this case - similar cases in our county were related (IMVHO) to some vendetta by some person with power - I abhor animal mistreatment but something seems real wrong here[/color][/b]

I'm also not far from Jackson County.  Curious, DL, what county are you in?  I know nothing first hand once the auction was announced.  I always thought it odd that everything got vary quiet after that.  It was BIG news for a while, t hen ....nothing!

dori36 - if memory serves me right you are in NE Ingham - I am in SW Ingham - sorta makes us neighbors
(clapping) (clapping)


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
parts unknown
If I read it right, those pics were taken at a County run facility that doesn't look to me like it is in very good shape itself.  It would have been interesting to see what their condition was at the time of siezure and how long after that these pics were actually taken with the date printed on the pic from the camera.  If they are being truthful about when they took the pics (I want the recipe for what they fed them to get them back in that condition so fast), then there is no way those horses were neglected or tortured, I didn't see any visible wounds.  It looks to me like it was your typical tree hugger type that had an axe to grind with the owners of these horses or needed the exposure for their racket.  Unfortunately with the horse slaughter ban people better get ready to see more cases of horse abuse/neglect, and it would suprise me if people don't just turn them loose on the roads like when the emu craze went bust.  The extremist don't realize that what they think they are doing to make things better in an industry that they have no ties to or experience in actually make things worse.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
I did not think the horses looked under fed or mistreated.  I hope the owners have some kind of recoarse. 


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2007
Kind of agree with Knabe--  this smells of communism, or some kind of arrogant idiots with power, trying to flex their knowledge (or lack of knowledge).  That is why I asked for more info- to see if there was maybe a real reason that these horses were taken away.

A few years ago-  there was a hundred head of brood mares and couple studs taken from a couple here in Colorado(a lawyer none the less).    Involved the State DVM, Brand inspectors, local sheriff etc.  Maybe that is what Michigan needs to do- require that this involves lots of state officials instead of a local idiot with a ax to grind.  Can't imagine that I just suggested getting government officials involved with anything- but maybe this could be a time.

Anyhow- looked pretty scary that they took reasonably health looking horses from somebody
Thanks everyone and have a good one


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
I hate to be a "downer" here, but I do have a prediction to make:

Now that you cannot sell old horses, there will be those who:  1. Cannot afford to or will not spend the $ to feed an old unusable horse.
2.  Turn unwanted old horses (with no teeth) out on road ditches to fend for themselves.  These animals will likely starve to an inhumane death.

So, my point is horse rescue places will be overwhelmed.  If the horses in those pictures depict cruelty, then they have not seen how bad a 30 year old horse with no teeth looks like.  Just my opinion.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i have had reasonable success converting people about the horse slaughter, except for my wife.  i might have to wait till our horse is like cowz describes before she sees the light.  she did however enjoy the steer we slaughtered, even after she cried for 5 minutes and i had to hold her when he was slaughtered.  i can't even cull the chickens without her freaking out.  i have to change the netting on the grapes so the starlings won't keep getting caught.  reality, even in small doses is too much for people.  can't wait for heaven.


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2007
we got 2 old ranch geldings one that is 27 and one that we dont know how old he is, we have had there teeth floated 2 times i think, and dad has had offers on them but he says that they have already lived their lives to the fullest and they are going to stay on the place until they die(not to horribly long i dont think)

By the way if you ever have a really good horse that you really like dont get rid of him because he has no teeth and cant eat hay, go and buy some alfalfa pellets soak them in water and feed them to the horse, one time we had a horse live to 34 by doing this and giving him arthrits meds, and we roped off him all that time, and at the age of 34 he really was bomb proof.