Thank you, Oakview! We started in 2007 with Native Milking Shorthorn cows and heifers from Harley Headings, in Kansas. We have used two outstanding bulls recently. First, we used a son of Coalpit Creek Leader 6th which we purchased from Ralph Larson in 2012. He left good dispositions, good udders, calving ease and his daughters are great mothers. He sired 51 calves here and we never pulled a single calf.
Next, we purchased embryos from Grant Alexander in Canada. We are currently using a son of Saskvalley Pioneer out of Six S Leah. So far he has sired 39 calves and only pulled one from a cow who aborted. He further improved dispositions and maternal ability as well as added size and power while maintaining udder quality. He raised our average weaning weights by over 100 pounds.