Misrepresenting the facts??

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
When advertising an animal, is it "correct" to make black and white grey? 
After I watched a breed show, I read a breeder stating "Bill the bull placed 3rd in a very tough class"  which sounds good, but since I watched the show, I know that there were only 3 bulls in the class. Not to mention the judge really didn't have much good to say about ANY of the bulls, let alone the 3rd place bull.   
I have also seen flushes and embryos being sold on a female that "placed 2nd in a competitive class" when in fact, only 2 were in the class. 

So while I realize the breeders are making "true" statements, is it not misrepresenting the real truth? Especially when the judge did not make any positive comments?  Is it an acceptable practice when marketing livestock?


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
This caused me to lose one of my best friends I ever had. We grew up together and he showed Charolais. In my state there arent very many. He would be the only one in his divison and would win it and say he had divison champ and i never thought that was much to brag about whenever he was the only one. I remember he went to a National show and got reserve in his divison with a char bull calf. THERE WERE ONLY TWO! in my book he got LAST PLACE. He aslo bragged about his heifer getting 5th overall baby heifer. there were only 5 baby heifers total and they didnt give 5th overall, it was just a class and had to go in for divison!!!!! he got last!!!! The only time he ever won a bigger ribbion excluding twice, there has only been him or 1 more. I never found much to brag about that. so yes in my mind they are misrepresenting the facts. they're not lying, but they for sure arent telling the whole story. Like when Barry Bonds says he hit 70 HRS in a season, well he did but he does he tell you about the help he had? (lol)


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
You're worried about this? After all the artificiality of the showring? After cattle raised in cool boxes and having been on full feed all their life......and being fed super power rations and melotonin and shaggy hair and steroids and la 200 and being pumped and aired. and having a 500$ clip job...........and you are worried about this deal? I'm just saying.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
If you have any doubts about the quality of the animal you're buying, why are you buying it?  If somebody isn't smart enough to see that a certain animal isn't good enough, this is how they learn. The livestock business is pretty much free market outside of the sale barn. If some sucker will pay you above average money for below average stock, I think there's only one person at fault. Nobody is going to feel sorry for you if you buy a house that's junk before you buy it and then you move in and are surprised to find a leaky roof and mold in the walls. But I bet you wouldn't make that mistake again.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2009
Iola Texas
AJ, I heard this was a showcattle site from a guy?
AJ, I heard that you show cattle?
AJ, someone told me if you would use heatwave you wouldn't have to worry about getting fill hair and that showering look?
AJ, when you are paying for that 500 clipping job my fitters will work cheaper?

PS this is a show cattle site!


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Aj ill clip them for 498- discount

I agree with Olson, sizzler, and the OP all in a way- it's their loss if they buy the product off hear-say but it is annoying as all get out to hear people standing 4 in a lightweight class at Houston say they had 4th overall light weight or reserve champion light weight when it's just second in your class

From a business side it's irrelevant, the buyer should be able to see what their dealing with

From a personal side it's annoying as hell


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
First of all, I'd never let a judge's opinion or how an animal did at a show influence whether or not I'd buy it.  Two totally different things.

There are two types of people - ones that think their animals are the best and ones that are more critical of their own than anyone else is.  My mentor was the former and I'm in the latter category.  Neither of us is wrong or right.

There's no right answer to your question.  There can be any combination of truth.  My youngest son has a really good red and white calf that found his way into one of the the toughest classes at our biggest Texas summer prospect show and wound up 8th out of 8 in one ringt and then turned around and place 4th in the next one.  Days like that are offset by days where you get "freebies" in the show ring.  A win is a win and you have to figure out a way to help your kids keep their chin up on bad days and look forward to the next one.

And yes Showstopper - there are many phantom champion this or that at our majors nowadays.  Those that know are just proud to say they placed.  80% or more of all calves at each one don't.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
bart said:
AJ, I heard this was a showcattle site from a guy?
AJ, I heard that you show cattle?
AJ, someone told me if you would use heatwave you wouldn't have to worry about getting fill hair and that showering look?
AJ, when you are paying for that 500 clipping job my fitters will work cheaper?

PS this is a show cattle site!

Actually Bart - if you read the description under the steerplanet.com it says "On online community for cattle enthusiasts" - along time ago a group of us created that line - so it is MORE than a show cattle site  ::) so technically speaking it is a site for cattle enthusiasts some of whom are people who show cattle people. PS aj lives in a town with a really big moon LOL


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
It's not a show cattle site and its not a cattle enthusiast site- it's a shorthorn site for red white and roan circus animals you guys are crazy  (pop)


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2009
Iola Texas
Thanks for clearing that up for me DL.  <beer> I heard that from a guy. Now I know the facts.
I just thought it was for shorthorn folks trying to figure out their cattle?


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Saw this on a guys website

"We have never won a major show, but our heifers are competitive and make good cows after their show-ring careers."

So have these heifers been pumped given $500 clip jobs and been on full feed or Do they really make good cows after they are done showing?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Show stopper.......I have been posting on here since July 5 2006.......when this discussion board was started. There is no one that I know of been posting longer. Usually the way they get me is group together and flood the moderators with complaints......tag team me on posts.....including the one group......the father,two daughters, their best friend and their second best friend. If you pool five or so people to gang bang me on discussions you can usually push me in the corner.......say what I think......then get banned. If you want to want to silience me....I suggest you go that route.......hammer and hammer....character assination......etc etc. I wish you luck.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Someone seems guilty, but nobody answers my questions, simple question.

I didn't attack anyone's character or say anything rude towards you aj I am sad that you found offense in my post but it was pretty clear cut and simple in my eyes.

I have no desire to "gang bang" you as you say in any way shape form or fashion


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I have a web site. My view of cattle is well know. We have presented cattle in shows to gain exposure. Had a pen of 5 bulls in the yards. Do the Kansas State fair......sell a few 4-h calves.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
I 100% agree that no one should purchase an animal simply based on a placing at a show, or without making their own judgment.
I remember a heifer I showed many years ago that was usually buried somewhere in the middle of the class, yet I would not have sold her for $50,000, and she has proven herself more valuable than that so far, so class ranking depends on the judge, their personal goals, and their background.

I guess I was curious if people thought the breeders who do this type of "advertising" lack personal confidence in selling their own cattle, or do they have such huge egos that they can't imagine their cattle are not as good as they think they are? Why do you feel they feel the need to "lie" to represent their cattle?

Aj - I am sorry you have had such a bad experience with show cattle. I guess sometimes some people like to complain about the rain when their is a beautiful rainbow right in front of them. While I acknowledge the rain, I also take the time to admire the rainbow. Maybe you should take a little time and find the positives about the industry you have chosen to be a part of instead of always complaining about being wet. (Just a little advice from someone who has been there, done that.)



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I don't complain about getting wet. Two thirds of the cattle have been shipped out of our area. We've had 6 inches of rain for the year. Getting wheat up will be iffey. Grass is shot......bankers are pissed.....I can't say I know what a rainbow looks like.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
trevorgreycattleco said:
Show stopper 95 said:
Do those bulls usually make good herd sires for you?

Do you raise shorthorns? Have you? You sure have a ax to grind with them.

My post says nothing about shorthorns- do I have them? No sent them all to the sale barn. Have I, yes. My post was directed to aj about his cattle making good herd sires in reference to the philosophy that show cattle have 500 dollar clip jobs and are aired and pumped to perfection

I was curious as to know if a bull who's been shown can make a herd sire (sarcastically). Nowhere did I post about shorthorns- sorry if your worked up about your friend getting banned for life (actually im not)

but this post had nothing to do with shorthorns or axes
