The common denominator to all the above mentied pedigres is non other than -- WMW -- who is sired by Take Charge -- who was the absoute worse structured criter of the early 90's -- !
The bottom line here is one other bull -- in ALL of the pedigrees above at least oce -- and that is Powr PLant.
Power PLant will put more monkey's on the ground than any other bull -- even Cunia is hard pressedto beat him in that deal. If you cross the two tgether even remotely --you will have a monkey mking machine.
The one cross above -- WMW x Witch Doctor -- both are of course POwerplant breeding.
Foreplay's bred to anything with PP in them will absolutely mkeone -- I know, mine have. Chill Factor is another one who will do it -- there are 4 direct crosses to Cunia in his 4 generation pedigree being a Cold Front (Cunia x a Cunia dughter). The list goes on and on.
What is REALLY bad is when you get a MM calf that is also a Spastic Pariesis afflicted one. No choise but to destroy those.
There are several sires around today, as well as , many in today's pedigrees that are trouble -- but I do think alot of people are getting amre aware of those. Hate to say it -- but it seems that almost all "GREAT" bulls not only sired some great cattle that had alot going for them, but along with that came some just as Great deffects.
A carefull eye to structure and lineage will go along way in weeding this out!