mosque on hallowed ground

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
all you hear from the right is " we want the government out of our lives; and dont trample the constitution...but all we see from the  right is " why doesnt obama and/or the local government do something about this, and its ok to trample the Constitution or attempt to change it when its unpopular with those who think the Constitution belongs exclusively to them " and there kind".....there are no mosques or synagogues in my home town but that doesnt mean i have the right to expect my state and local governement to keep it that way.  jbarl

vet tech

Well-known member
May 8, 2008
I personally dont have a problem with it. It is not being built directly on ground zero, its being built two blocks away. The world has Muslims and it also has Muslim extremests. The second most likely responsible for 9/11. This building, as I understand it, is being built as a place for recreation and worship. Some people hear the word Muslim and start to automatically freak out, which is absolutly ignorant. You are throwing all people who practice a similar belief into the fire. There are good and bad people in everything in this world. I find the Muslim religion to be very interesting and it is EXTREMELY similar to Christianity. They have every right to build a place to practice their faith. Its not rubbing it in our face or showing disrespect. America has nearly every faith in it, not just christianity, it is NOT a country of Christianity. It is a country of freedom.

Also not all terrorism is Muslim

also, americans suddenly claiming Obama to be Muslim because he wont stop this is ridiculous. The Ameican population is so uneducated in government its alarming, is that why we have a republic democ. instead of a direct democ.? I think thats a major factor.

I understand that people losing family members in 9/11 would be upset, but the people who crashed into the twin towers and so on are not the same people. Islam is not to blame, people are.

Go ahead and grill me, you got to see through the stereotypes and the people who yell loud but dont say anything meaningful or with reason


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
you guys are so tolerent. im sure yall will accept sharia law too, look at what France's tolerence got them. People are afraid to go into their communities, secular and christian people are treated like trash by the muslims.
Hell they took over the gas stations, now the hotels pretty soon well all be showing camels. That aint my culture and i have a right to be intolerent.
I'm with SHORTIE on this one.  Ain't mine either... 
This nice guy tolerance is why our country is going to Hell in a hand basket.  (IMO)  :'(


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
vet tech said:
They have every right to build a place to practice their faith. Its not rubbing it in our face or showing disrespect.

people can decide for themselves if someone is rubbing their face in it, not you, me or the government.

just as muslims take offense at the drop of a hat, they are teaching non-muslims to be offended at the drop of a hat.

i think they are training people just fine and when people respond how they are trained, people are somehow upset?

islam teaches us to be offended at that everything is holy.  they only get what they preach.

it used to be sticks and stones....., but somehow, islam has taught us to be intolerant.

now that they have taught us, they are upset?  seems a little equality is in order.

why is it that only muslims or minorities can be upset?



Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I am not against a mosque being built, but I certainly do wish that common respect and consideration could come into the discussion and the decision making. When I hear some Muslim leaders opposing this mosque being built on this location, I find that I am agreeing with their reasoning. Whether it is right or wrong to build this mosque in this strategic location it will always be an open sore with many people. For that reason,and for some healing to take place, I just think it is a very poor decision to build it in this location. But then, respect and common decency are outdated and almost forgotten today.
NYC is a big city with a pile of great locations to build a mosque on. Why don't they select another location even a few more blocks away and avoid a huge amount of controversy and hard feelings.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
perhaps the mosque can support the mohammed cartoons as a show of tolerance.

perhaps they can sell salmon rushdie's book in the book store.

perhaps they can make a daniel pearl memorial.

perhaps they can arrange visits to mecca for christians.

perhaps they can finance a church in saudi arabia, palestine.

perhaps they can have weekly showings of vincent van gogh's movie as a display of tolerance.

perhaps they can have Ayaan Hirsi Ali as a guest speaker.

perhaps they can finance  christians to hand out information on the way to mecca.

perhaps the federal government can finance a church honoring charles martel along with that of a muslim who conquered christians.

the irony of islam and intolerance is overwhelming.

a counter-argument is not to offer shortcomings of non-muslim faith's, but to actually address each of the points which islam and it's defenders never do.

it's like asking mexico to support it's own immigration laws to be implemented in the US.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

if i disagree with government money to be used to build a mosque, even if it's overseas, then yes, i disagree with government money to rebuild the greek orthodox church.

i think it's ridiculous that they would expect 60 million dollars from taxpayers to finance their religion.

it's funny, they even apparently refused the 60 million and not clear why.

leave it to news media, in this case fox, to not follow up why the 60 million was refused and why they thought they needed taxpayer money and why they couldn't rebuild where they were and why they wanted a bigger church with taxpayer handouts.

america seems to be trained to always expect a handout no matter the income or tax exemption status.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2009
Hillsboro, Ohio
I have not read all the post but my aggravation with the whole thing is that we are letting other forms of religion do what they want to ensure "religious freedom" yet the government is suppressing the Christian religion in the process. I could go on all day about the laws being passed against the Christian religion from not allowing churchs to go up to what you can and cant preach on. Just a year or two ago Christians were denied the opportunity to build a Church at U of Michigan yet they allowed a mosque. Anyway, all you people that want to scream this "freedom of religion" stuff on hear, let a crazy religious group come in and murder your family then build a place of prayer for their religion next to your house and see how fair you think it is then. JbarL quit taking things to such extremes, the right doesnt say not to have any government if so they would be out of a job, we just dont want the government making ALL our decisions for us. 70% of Americans dont want this to happen I thought the government was supposed to be of the people?   


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
I remembered (since my last post) this email I got not long ago.  It goes along with most of what I have learned about the subject.  Pay attention to the chapter 3.... until I have absolute proof that all of this information is totally untrue... I am continuing to be intolerant!

No one likes to be deceived by propaganda. We want facts to make our own determination. Islam has been inaccurately portrayed by our beneficent media for the sake of political correctness and politics. Before I ran across this video, I had researched Islam and it's tenets in a book edited by Ravi Zacharias, a noted Christian apologist. The content of the following video is accurate and consistent with what I have researched. It is a 'to the point' description of Islam and its tenets which we, as tolerant Americans are generally unaware.

Be informed. A nation at risk is a people uninformed...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
in islam, deception to non-muslims is mandatory to spread islam.  doesn't sound like a religion to me.

to me, what it really seemed like was a personality cult for mohammed to obtain stuff he couldn't otherwise pay or trade for.  when he died, it proved effective for others to continue the scam.

it's amazing to me how far the left will go to accommodate the islam ( and basically any ideology against christianity), but will do all they can to hassle christians and jews.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
This is long... but personally i'm not sure if Obama isn't muslim and just lying about it?  I certainly hope not, but seems odd due to this and all his support of the mosque.

President  Truman
established  one  day  a  year  as  a
"National Day of Prayer."

President Reagan
designated the
First Thursday in May of each year as
the National Day of Prayer. 

In June
Candidate Barack Obama
declared that the USA
"Was no longer  a
Christian nation."
This year
President Obama
canceled the
21st annual National Day
of Prayer ceremony
at the White
House under the ruse
Of "not wanting to offend anyone" 


BUT... on September 25, 2009
from 4 AM until 7 PM,
a National Day of Prayer
was Held on Capitol Hill,
Beside the White House.
There were over 50,000 Muslims
in  D.C. that day. 

      HE PRAYS WITH THE MUSLIMS!  (there was a picture of him taking his shoes off and kneeling down in this)  Couldn't figure out how to post.

I guess it Doesn't matter
if  "Christians"
Are  offended  by  this  event -
We  obviously
Don't  count  as
"anyone"  Anymore.

The direction  this country is headed
should strike fear in the heart of every Christian,
especially knowing that the
Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be
converted, they should be annihilated.

This is not a Rumor –
Go  to  the  website
To  confirm  this  info:
( )

Pay particular attention to the very bottom of the page:
I hope that this information will stir your spirit.

The words of 2 Chronicles 7:14 
"If my people, Who are called by my Name,
Will humble themselves And pray, 
And seek my face, and Turn from their Wicked ways,
Then will I hear from Heaven
And will forgive their Sin and will heal Their land."

We must pray for Our nation, our communities,
Our families, and especially our children. 
They are the ones who are going to suffer the most.
If  we  don't  PRAY
May  God  have  Mercy.

Time For God


vet tech

Well-known member
May 8, 2008
America is not a christian nation, we have the same God as Muslims


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
I am just glad wr have killed so many muslim children in iraq since osama bin laden was from there


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
Thank you for those words. So many people to pray for....

Jimbob,  I will pray for you, for comments like that are uncalled for! :'(


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
jimbob123 said:
I am just glad wr have killed so many muslim children in iraq since osama bin laden was from there

daniel pearl
think how many more would die under a caliphate or sharia law.

i wonder what the minority status protections would be.

when iran starts dropping nukes, i hope you are just as vocal in your outrage of all the people they kill.  


vet tech

Well-known member
May 8, 2008
having no remorse for the death of inocent lives is sick

relax knabe


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
vet tech said:
having no remorse for the death of inocent lives is sick

relax knabe

"This jet, before it heralds death for enemies, is the messenger of salvation and dignity for humanity," Ahmadinejad said   (Ahmadinejad said while relaxing)

more remorse from MOGADISHU, Somalia – Men are forced to grow beards. Women can't leave home without a male relative. Music, movies and watching sports on TV are banned. Limbs are chopped off as punishment, and executions by stoning have become a public spectacle.  "One more thing we deeply share is the hatred of infidels," the commander, Abu Dayib, told The Associated Press.

abortion.  remember, a prominent progressive, the chair of the ethics department at princeton, peter singer says it can be viewed as not immoral to harvest organs from infants up to two years old.  

he also believes animals have equal moral status with humans.  

yet animals eat animals and, using his logic, it's unclear where any remorse for innocent lives exists from those in the progressive movement.

in other words, if animals can eat animals, why can't humans eat animals or even humans?

progressives simply have selective remorse, especially for those who disagree with them.

it has nothing to do with me relaxing, it simply is in progressives own words and deeds.

it's clear to me that part of being human is being selective.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
In our Amish and Mennonite communities who enjoy religious freedom, they can just "shun" those who do not conform.  Are we really being "too tolerant" when Sharia law demands stoning for non conformists?  If other religious groups treated their women as bad as the muslims do, they would have been "shunned" by the mainstream 50 years ago. 
Why this special category?