Move Obama out of the WHITE HOUSE

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mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
ZNT said:
-XBAR- said:
For all the folks crying about unemployment - learn a trade and/or RELOCATE!  There's a 2%- thats right TWO PERCENT- unemployment in the Construction industry.  

I thought the unemployment rate in Mexico was much higher than 2%????  Here in Texas, very few whites work construction.  Just a fact.  The work is too hard, and the pay is too low for whites to work these jobs.

Maybe we should all live in Mexico to get a better perspective on what is bad and what is not.  Americans have become spoiled.  It's time to just go work hard, pay your dues (taxes) that come along with your freedom, be happy that you actually have good hospitals, safe food, clean drinking water, and a roof over your heads.  

I read an article the other day.  I would provide the link, but I don't have it.  It was a "small business" owner that sent an email to all of his employees that said if they don't vote for Romney, he will be forced to lay employees off.  This is the same employer that was building a 90,000 sf mansion in Florida.  He had to stop construction during the recession, but has begun construction again, but may have to halt construction again and lay off employees if Obama is re-elected.  2 things strike me funny.  First, the economy did turn around enough that he was able to hire back employees and resume construction on one of the biggest mansions in America.  And secondly, he has the audacity to say that the first thing he will do is sacrifice employees before ever sacrificing an ounce of his lifestyle, and that lifestyle includes 90,000 sf mansions.  

You can take it for what every it's worth, but I would have very little respect for any employer that would choose sacrificing my job vs. getting that 4th luxury car, or that second home in the Carribean.  

This country is being run from the top down, not from the working class.  And the top is being driven by greed, not by the appreciation for America and what it really stands for.

Stepping down from my soap box now. (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) <party> <rock> (dog)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
How do you manage society so that everyone has the same car?

We must eliminate competition.

Why should the working class run anything?

Perhaps we should just tax risk takers saversore than working people.

What laws would u enact to allow the working class to rule? 

What do you do when someone transitions from working class to the hated ruling class?

Envy is such a beautiful emotion.

We must enact policy to use envy to move forward.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
So who here has a model to follow that another country followed that helped them get out of a financial crisis recession sooner and better?  That is the deal here, financial crisis recession's are deeper and don't have v-shaped growth once they turn the corner.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
here's a model.

bain capital (reasonable success, including many state retirement programs) vs. obama and green energy, most of which are a failure and essentially bundled cash for supporters, just like the stimulus.

where would you rather work or have your retirement.

pretty much a slam dunk.

to me, the other issues don't matter other than energy which obama fails at too.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
aj said:
Gone West......where do I start.......I listened to a progressive liberal radio station out of Denver all day long yesterday. You guys also come up with antedotal evidence for your arguements. One business owner out of 300 million people did something wrong. On the Rommney son owning a voting machine company......Tom the talk show liberal out of Denver even said this was a stretch. Romney owns a mutual fund who owns a company who own a company who owns a company that owns a share in a voting machine company. Dammit......thats a stretch. Obama's portfolio owns 3 % of its holdings in China through some foreign investment mutual fund. You guys need to come up with something better than some antedotal evidence.......imo......

AJ are you freakin drunk....AGAIN?? Can you read? Who's side do you think I am on? Exactly who is this "you guys" bunch? It certainly doesn't include me.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
Telos said:
Here ya go . This is the letter that was sent to this mans employees. It boggles my mind that anyone who considers themselves to be reasonable could disagree with this mans position.

I think threatening employees by sending them such letters is wrong. It boggles my mind that many people think this is right. Are you so naive to think that things will automatically get better (i.e. With this man's business) when Romney is in the White House.


This was not an email of a man threatening anyone. He simply stated that if the business is burdened with taxes, he can't make it work anymore. He stated that the current administration had plans to do that.  The result of that is that they will lose their jobs. How is that a threat? If you think that is wrong and you can't understand how "many" (99%) of people think that it is right, then it's easy to see how your mind could easily be boggled.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
Didn't the WSJ just do an article on the success rate of Bain while romney was there?  22% of the companies filed for bankruptcy within 8 years and around 10% were so bad Bain didn't get a dime back.  The green engery companies that got stimulus funds bankruptcy rate is 8% right now.

Running a business isn't running a government.  No other business sends 80% of its money back out to its workers, no other business has to take into consideration that if it cuts something from the business that people are going to be without healthcare, food, schools. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I saw that too though the difference is twofold. Government money vs private and 4 years vs 8. Probably some more detail involved like some companies nederland to bankrupt and assets were redeployed whereas tax dollars are just lost as well as Obama supported getting priority through bankruptcy. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Bottom line is the economy succeeds because of the diversity of people's interests in placing themselves in the workplace.

Favoring one group over the other with respect to constant changes in taxation is inefficient.

Yes this means making all income to be taxed at the same rate but lower than today's rates for wage income.

This constant demonization of different segments of the economy is a tax itself and reinforces that people can not move up the ladder by starting their own business.  Some still manage to do it in spite of ever increasing obstacles to them in the name of redistribution and fairness.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
So when private sector loses money it goes someplace useful but when government does it is just lost?

Having a system that just suddenly stops helping business and encouraging new technology would be a tax benefit to established industries wouldn't it?  I am not a fan of making industries like oil and coal whipping posts.  I think they are needed and are very valuable.  Especially since the US has recently became a gasoline exporter.  The externalities these industries have in pollution have been largely solved by regulation.  I don't understand how you can build a deep water oil rig and say well if something happens there is not much we can do, we will jump that hurdle when we get there.  I do not agree with burdensome regulation, sorry spills will happen because people are people and people make mistakes I don't think regulation should be to make anything fool proof.

Where does
"Yes this means making all income to be taxed at the same rate but lower than today's rates for wage income" come in?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
hamburgman said:
Where does
"Yes this means making all income to be taxed at the same rate but lower than today's rates for wage income" come in?

equality and the ending of tax breaks, subsidies and all the other employment mechanisms of the IRS, other enforcement, writing legislation, and all the frass that goes along with it. 

income is income.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
hamburgman said:
So when private sector loses money it goes someplace useful but when government does it is just lost? yes, because there is enforcement in behavior.

Having a system that just suddenly stops helping business and encouraging new technology would be a tax benefit to established industries wouldn't it? i think there are these departments called R&D?  also, the government can fund new technology, but should not pick winners and losers like solyndra with TAXPAYER dollars.  if investors want to do it, it's fine.  since the government jumped in, yes an obama supporter, they were able to reprioritize their "investment" ahead of the taxpayer.  FRAUD in my book by both the government and solyndra. if the government would not have done this, there would be less of a market for private dollars as they knew they were trying to get government money, and if it wasn't there, something would not have been done like build a palace for a commodity product that is worth $0.10 on the dollar.  that's why when private sector money is lost it goes to a more useful place because there was less of it wasted on a bad idea.I am not a fan of making industries like oil and coal whipping posts.  I think they are needed and are very valuable.  Especially since the US has recently became a gasoline exporter.  The externalities these industries have in pollution have been largely solved by regulation.  I don't understand how you can build a deep water oil rig and say well if something happens there is not much we can do, we will jump that hurdle when we get there.  I do not agree with burdensome regulation, sorry spills will happen because people are people and people make mistakes I don't think regulation should be to make anything fool proof.

burdensome regulation is stopping other offshore drilling.  burdensome regulation is stopping other shallow drilling.  burdensome regulation is taking out land from potential production in alaska that was set aside for exploration.  it just never ends.

Where does
"Yes this means making all income to be taxed at the same rate but lower than today's rates for wage income" come in?


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
So solyndra didn't use any of the money for R&D, that I have a problem with because yes that is like picking losers and winners in a way.  Getting the money usually is more of a pain though from my understanding than it is worth.  Knabe do you have any experience with that?  I have heard horror stories about how money needs to be spent in grants sometime.

Didn't Solyndra go bankrupt because the cost of solar energy was dropping so much and Solydra didn't keep up? 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
hamburgman said:
So solyndra didn't use any of the money for R&D, that I have a problem with because yes that is like picking losers and winners in a way.  Getting the money usually is more of a pain though from my understanding than it is worth.  Knabe do you have any experience with that?  I have heard horror stories about how money needs to be spent in grants sometime.

Didn't Solyndra go bankrupt because the cost of solar energy was dropping so much and Solydra didn't keep up? 

I have helped apply for and received many grants and actually given money back.

solyndra went bankrupt because they built a new building on an expensive corridor when there is plenty of empty real estate.  they also staked their survival on a non-standard system that did not offer tangible benefits or installation ease.

i can tell you all about grant money and how it's wasted, first hand.  my experience is just the tip of the iceberg.  i'm proud of the fact that i pushed for giving money back.  the NIH and doe extended the contract and we performed far more work than required in the grant and far exceeded cost measures.  there is so much disincentive to not perform it's ridiculous and there is absolutely no incentive to return money.  stories abound where the money goes.  this post is just the tip of the iceberg.  green energy has yet to begin to perform as other industries do.  they should go bankrupt.  passive heating and cooling is far more economical.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
If you study history......Clinton made a move back to the center in his term in office. He was re-elected. Obama stayed left. They snuck health care in the back door and he shot off farther left.......class warefare...left.......fair shair.......attcking the acheivers as if they were the problem. It will cost him the election in my opinion.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
I was expecting hillary c to rat out obama by now on the whole cover up of the libya amb killings. I think she wants to run for pres in 2016 and knows if we have 4 more yrs of obama, then no way in heck a democrat will win. just me thinking out loud but it would be a good strategy for her