Fence Rider...the neighbors bull "out of champion stock you can be sure" Who needs a clean up bull if you got this one....
Dirty Harry...Your tame as a puppy dog clean up bull that knocks you over in the mud for the feed bucket.
Hugh Hefner ...Your bull that can't be content in a pasture of 20 old mature cows and decides that 4 young cute yearling hefiers three fences away would be alot more fun. :-\
Extractor...The low 75 lbs. B/W bull and great EPD's that you bought to use on your hefiers......then you burned up two sets of calf pullers, invented new words not fit for children, and gave yourself a hernia yanking out all those 100lb plus calves.
Extractors--Revenge....You liked the looks and EPD's of Extractor so much you bred him to your entire commercial cow herd before you knew the whole story.....so now guess what is coming next month... ???
Short Stuff - The nice young gentle pure bred bull "you practially stole at the local sale barn" that you thought would improve your commercial cow herd that just couldn't get the job done and 10 1/2 months lattter your still waiting on the first calf. Then when you do get your first calf you end up calving the other 25 cows for the next 9 months...
..can you say scattered out..)
There you go these are the worst bulls in my opinion that a guy or gal could use.
..If you have cattle for very long you have probally delt with a few of these famous sires of the bovine industy and if you haven't..... don't worry they will be around forever...