As I reported under a different topic my bull has been been found. It took us well over an hour to walk him a half a mile to the lot. We gave him six shots. They amounted to 100 cc of long lasting Penicillin and 40 cc of Flunixamine. He is glad to be home and is gaining weight. He was under a 1000 and when he left weighed about 2100. He is improving. He still carries his right back leg. Along with the circles of no hair around 3 of his legs and the line that runs for 6 inches under each ear under his throat area, his tag was missing. I wish he could talk. I would love to know what happened to him for 42 days. My neighbor walked his pasture. I walked his tanks and the surrounding areas. Keep in mind this fellows cows were getting out every day for 4 months and two other neighbors cows and I guess my bull had joined them. Less than a week after he fixed (Texas term for mending) his fence, my bull shows up. I know he could not have survived without water.
Last night I had to give him the same shots again. My bull did not want to get his shots. I had to take a club to him. He is moving better..tried to run over me and has never done that before.....he is moving better than me with my knee, but after I broke it on him and chased him around the lot for a good many times and again a couple more times he went in the chute and just stayed there while Ann got my medicine ready and he took the 6 shots like a man. Both of us were huffing and puffing...the bull and I, not Ann. Pickup and car lights and a flashlight are not the best way to do this.......sunshine would have been better but some how it was gone.....the night stole it I think.... It was so dusty I could not see the bull and he could not see me and I missed several times with my stick....... I really thought after dark I could not see the dust and my allergies would be better, no such luck... stinking thinking.... bad planning.... oh, well we got er done.... I got to get a new curtain rod for a customer seemed like a good stick at the moment to use, but poor planning, it now has some real 90 degree turns in it and one rubber end is still attacked to the bull, I guess, as I could not find it..... Ann never got excited and did not offer to trade places when I was straddle the bull giving shots and he was rubbing foreheads with me, she thought he was kind of loving....and she did not want me to hurt him.....I was thinking about a rib-eye...... oh well alls well that ends well.
We do it again Thursday... My club or stick will not be a shower curtain rod..... I have planned ahead.... I am using a broom this time..... He is 5 years old and that was his first spanking, but I only hit him twice, so he got two licks one on the nose and one on the posterior end..... I really had not planned to use anything as you can tell.... he is a puppy generally..... do you think he might have had someone to mistreat him? The thought has occurred to me.....