My new friend

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OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
I lost my German Shepherd two weeks ago today. It was VERY hard to loose him. He was only 12 but was diagnosised with hemangeoma's and was bleeding internally. I rushed him to Ohio State Vet Hospital but he was too far gone to make it. I had to make a decision to make him comfortable. It has been so hard he was a super guard dog. The house was so quiet without him around.

Well, I ran across this young fellow on craig's list. He was in the middle of nowhere in the thumb of michigan. I got him this past weekend. His mother was registered German Shepherd and his father is a Giant Malamute/Husky. Momma was about 80#'s and poppa was about 130# or so. I think he is going to be a large boy. He has had a couple of baths and de-flee'd and de-liced.
He is 12 weeks old. His name is Milo, german for the merciful. Very bright fellow so far.
I went a little over board on the photos. But I am enjoying this guy.


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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
Dude, he's really cool!  I know how it is to lose a really special dog, I lost my Rhodesian Ridgeback to a thyroid problem two years ago this summer, and I still haven't gotten a new dog.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
Thanks Justin.
He is pretty cool little guy. He has a great disposition. very smart and is picking up commands very quickly.

TMJ Show Cattle

Well-known member
May 11, 2008
I have had family members that I missed less than some of the dogs I have lost over the years.The loyalty of a good dog is hard to describe. I feel for your loss and share with your joy of a new member of your family.He sure is a nice lookin feller.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Hey OB. Pain is not a good thing for any species. Your new friend looks pretty kool. I have a cat named Milo too, but did not know it meant something. I'll try and get pictures of my merciful cat.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
Sorry for your loss Shawn. (angel) (angel). Milo is one cool bred pup. He's going to be gorgeous.


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
Congrats on the new pup!  He sure shows his German Shepherd side, doesn't he!  And, yes, I agree - he's going to be a big boy.  I admire your "courage" in getting a new pup so soon. I lost this little buddy about 3 yrs ago and still can't bring myself to own another Westie.  He was one special friend!  Name was Cody.


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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
OH Breeder said:
Thanks Justin.
He is pretty cool little guy. He has a great disposition. very smart and is picking up commands very quickly.
So sorry for your loss, and happy for your new friend, he is a  cutie. Now you need to look into Clicker Training. I do not recommend much but this form of training is unbelievable. I used it on my Schnauzer pup and had great results. He learned new things in one session which is only 10-15 mins. I got him rolling over after showing him only 3 times.
My husband was introduced to it at a George Hickox clinic(the Kirk Stirwalt of bird dogs) and uses it on some of his pointers who do not do well with much pressure of a e-collar. Good luck and have fun with him, Frosty.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
We have Lost 2 in the last year, Brutus ran under the truck when the wife was coming up the driveway, he was 14, he was born blind in one eye and some times it got him in trouble. (dog closest in the picture)
The other Zorro 11 years old, 2 weeks ago he started having a hard time breathing through his nose, took him to the vet to get checked out, said he had a tumor in his sinus cavity, vet said we could try medication, it might be able to help. Zorro decided he did not want to go that rout, he died the next morning. He is the dog in the middle, his sister is the white dog in the background)
We still have his sister, Tess, who acts like she is 4, the 2 Corgi's Sully and Noah, and my old yellow lab.
It just down right hard to loose a dog.

My thoughts are with you.



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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
frostback said:
OH Breeder said:
Thanks Justin.
He is pretty cool little guy. He has a great disposition. very smart and is picking up commands very quickly.
So sorry for your loss, and happy for your new friend, he is a  cutie. Now you need to look into Clicker Training. I do not recommend much but this form of training is unbelievable. I used it on my Schnauzer pup and had great results. He learned new things in one session which is only 10-15 mins. I got him rolling over after showing him only 3 times.
My husband was introduced to it at a George Hickox clinic(the Kirk Stirwalt of bird dogs) and uses it on some of his pointers who do not do well with much pressure of a e-collar. Good luck and have fun with him, Frosty.
Frostback, Do you have a link to info on Clicker Training?  Would be real interested to hear about it as we have a new Corgie!




Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
i have a dog  i have had since a while before i was in kindergarten and i'll be a junior in high school in a few weeks. its gonna be tough to see him go but dogs don't live forever. i figure he is 12 years old. fat as a cow but he's still here. everyday i see him asleep outside and he don't move when  i go out there i check and see if he is still alive. he's just hard at hearing  (angel)

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
frostback said:
OH Breeder said:
Thanks Justin.
He is pretty cool little guy. He has a great disposition. very smart and is picking up commands very quickly.
So sorry for your loss, and happy for your new friend, he is a  cutie. Now you need to look into Clicker Training. I do not recommend much but this form of training is unbelievable. I used it on my Schnauzer pup and had great results. He learned new things in one session which is only 10-15 mins. I got him rolling over after showing him only 3 times.
My husband was introduced to it at a George Hickox clinic(the Kirk Stirwalt of bird dogs) and uses it on some of his pointers who do not do well with much pressure of a e-collar. Good luck and have fun with him, Frosty.

Dori, et all thank you for your condolences. You really don't notice til there gone what a void there is.  
I live in the city through the week. I live right downtown and my neighborhood is "tranisitional". He was a great guard dog. I am going to start him on guard dog training, attack and hold commands etc.I also want to use hand commands with this little guy so I don't have to speak. My other shepherd knew those things instictively and would attack and hold an til I said release. I take my dog every where I go pretty much. So this little guy will be trained in the same manner. I think he is going to be quiet a bit larger than his my old dog.I appreciate the advice though.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
RSC said:
frostback said:
OH Breeder said:
Thanks Justin.
He is pretty cool little guy. He has a great disposition. very smart and is picking up commands very quickly.
So sorry for your loss, and happy for your new friend, he is a  cutie. Now you need to look into Clicker Training. I do not recommend much but this form of training is unbelievable. I used it on my Schnauzer pup and had great results. He learned new things in one session which is only 10-15 mins. I got him rolling over after showing him only 3 times.
My husband was introduced to it at a George Hickox clinic(the Kirk Stirwalt of bird dogs) and uses it on some of his pointers who do not do well with much pressure of a e-collar. Good luck and have fun with him, Frosty.
Frostback, Do you have a link to info on Clicker Training?  Would be real interested to hear about it as we have a new Corgie!



I dont have a link for you but you could Google "Clicker Training" and see what comes up. Most of the sites want you to buy a book or video but I dont feel they are necessary. The whole premise is it helps with the dog knowing exactally what he did right when he did it. When you ask him to sit and push his butt down and it hits the ground you click and treat. He will associate the treat with the noise and want to do it right again. Once he gets the noise as right you can get anything out of them. When I rattle my clicker my dog comes running and starts going through things I taught him to get the treat. It is amazing how excited he still gets. He sits and downs and waves and rolls and I haven't even said anything yet. He now does things for just loves but will get new stuff with the clicker and treats. They just get what you want faster. They used this method to train the sheep in the movie that I cannot remember the name about the sheep pig. JITs wife uses it on her mules and horses too I believe.