Wow, frostbite, didn't know I was undercover!! When I first came to this board (with personal invite from 2 of the 3) we debated what to call me. It was just after holloween and on another site there was a post about costumes. I said I would be a show heifer, as I have lots of hair, a big butt and have never had offspring. Everyone thought it was a hoot. So, I became show heifer. I guess you had to be here from the beginning to get it.....sorry you missed the joke.
And as for being DL cheerleader....I guess she believe what I believe because we are very similiar people in very similiar occupations. Just like if you have friends, they would be like you.
Now on to cattle (gee, about time!!). It never fails to amaze me how UN-educated people are. Not only about TH/PHA, but about COOL, registering your premise, BVD, harjeo, etc. And if no one is willing to speak of these things, then the un-educated will remain just that. I get into discussions weekly about the clubbie world vs commercial world. And trust me, the "real cattleman" (their term, not mine) would just as soon lump the clubbie world with lawyers. Their words "they are so much in common, can say a lot without saying anything. They can omitt without lying. They seem to have egos the size of the universe. They would run over their Mother if they thought they could get away with it. There is no black and white, only grey areas. And only they believe each other." (Those are quotes from commercial cattleman, NOT ME. - and yes, I had their permission to print them!!) Wow, thats the reputation I would want. I know right now all of you are saying "thats not me. I am better than that." I would hope you are (and I think you are!!), but public perception is everything. Especially when the two industries are co-mingling. And yes, I know of several commercial guys that used to use maine bulls, simmiX bulls etc. so they very well could have PHA/TH. And who is going to educate them about a problem they didn't even know exsisted???? If not us, then who? If not YOU, then who????
All I ask is for everyone to be honest. If you own a carrier bull, then admit it. If you sell carriers, then admit it. If you still use carriers, then admit it. But for Heavens sake, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND WHAT YOUR DOING. I believe in what I am doing. And I am proud to admit it.
Farmboy: I love your Donkey.
Dori: Isn't funny how differences in opinion can actually get two people together to exchange ideas...can't say we always agree either, but sure do repect your lowline cattle!!! Wish I could raise that many champions!!!
Weather is great here.....hope everyone is getting their winter feed in!!!
Jen, Show Heifer, and any other names you wish to call me!!! (just don't use all caps...its hard to read!!! ;D