My take on the PHA topic

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
I am putting my vote in for anyone else other that DL, and for any of the showsteer converters you should know that Show Heifer is JEN. That would be DLs personal cheer leader, they feed off of patting each other on the back to feel important. From what I know DL worked hard helping Dr. Beever with the TH and PHA test but she has now taking education to intimidation. Anyone who is on her side is a hero anyone that is not is a scum bag. DL was removed as moderator because she had numerous complaints about her.


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
Show Heifer said:
DL. I had a headache when I read your post, and know after laughing so hard (I needed that) my head hurts worse, but in a good way!!!!

I am seconding that vote for DL for administrator, and/or that is 2 votes DL, 0 votes for anyone else!!

Hey, she's got my vote, too!  We were able to butt heads early on and recover and float to the top with respect from me and I hope from her.  Now, I'm referring to DL as she and I understand that "Dragon" isn't her  real first name ....but, you are a "lady", right??  (lol)


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
frostback said:
I am putting my vote in for anyone else other that DL, and for any of the showsteer converters you should know that Show Heifer is JEN. That would be DLs personal cheer leader, they feed off of patting each other on the back to feel important. From what I know DL worked hard helping Dr. Beever with the TH and PHA test but she has now taking education to intimidation. Anyone who is on her side is a hero anyone that is not is a scum bag. DL was removed as moderator because she had numerous complaints about her.

...and it's this kind of politicization of people on the board and taking sides that will destroy the board.  Is this really about picking sides?  How about a unique idea of respecting everyone's opinions even if you don't agree with them?


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO

Isn't this what got us where we are today.  The last I knew this country is still a democracy.  We are all entitled to our own opinions.

If there are breeders out there that wish to ignore the problems associated with TH and PH they are entitled to do so.  Vote with your checkbook.  The club calf industry is a very small part of the big picture of livestock production.  Kinda the big fish in the little pond syndrome.

I takes a great deal of personal fortitude to stand up for what you believe in and to take the personal attacks that come with standing up for what you believe in.

I personally have a great deal of respect for the amount of time and effort DL, Red and Cowz have invested in this forum.  I personally wouldn't have the time or patience to devote to this forum that they have.  Kudos for that effort.

This is by far my favorite forum on the show cattle industry.  Let's keep it great with good information and a free exchange of ideas with out the personal attacks.  :) :) :)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Let me see if I have this straight. If I back DL then its ok but if I chose to make a stand against her I AM picking sides.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Justme isn't my name sorry to bust your bubble...its Gidget.  I have not got the story on what happened.  Really don't care.  I just wish we'd get back to talking cattle.  This (whatever happened) seems a little high schoolish.  I do know, Red worked really hard on this board, and has been really too busy for it with getting ready for Louisville.  Let's not turn into the other boards....let's talk cattle.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Me too SWMO...Let's agree to disagree, start talking cattle, and move on already. 


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Wonderful!!! Farmboy's donkey is finally back.

Whatever is going on... I just hope we can be mature enough to come up with solutions to keep this board active. It is a great one, only because it is made up of a spectrum of diverse people interested in beef cattle and it would be a crying shame to see it go away.

It is my belief that until the showring decides to take these genetic defects serious then we are in for the long haul and both TH and PHA will be a part of our culture.



Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
Telos said:
Wonderful!!! Farmboy's donkey is finally back.

Whatever is going on... I just hope we can be mature enough to come up with solutions to keep this board active. It is a great one, only because it is made up of a spectrum of diverse people interested in beef cattle and it would be a crying shame to see it go away.

It is my belief that until the showring decides to take these genetic defects serious then we are in for the long haul and both TH and PHA will be a part of our culture.

Oh, the donkey is SO cute!!  Regarding your comment about TH and PHA being part of the culture, it reminds me of the HYPP and HERDA issues with Quarter Horses.  There was lots of denial for both problems and there are still some who think breeding HYPp horses (carriers but not affected) gives horses with larger muscle mass!  So they still do it and when one of the HYPp's mated with another HYPp produces an HYPP - well, so be it.  It's all in the name of the fads of the showring.  Not much difference really whether it's dogs, horses, cattle - fads can be the demise of solid animals.  Sad but a fact of life.  Responsible breeders will rise to the top!! 

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Wow, frostbite, didn't know I was undercover!! When I first came to this board (with personal invite from 2 of the 3) we debated what to call me. It was just after holloween and on another site there was a post about costumes. I said I would be a show heifer, as I have lots of hair, a big butt and have never had offspring. Everyone thought it was a hoot. So, I became show heifer. I guess you had to be here from the beginning to get it.....sorry you missed the joke.
And as for being DL cheerleader....I guess she believe what I believe because we are very similiar people in very similiar occupations. Just like if you have friends, they would be like you.

Now on to cattle (gee, about time!!).  It never fails to amaze me how UN-educated people are. Not only about TH/PHA, but about COOL, registering your premise, BVD, harjeo, etc. And if no one is willing to speak of these things, then the un-educated will remain just that.  I get into discussions weekly about the clubbie world vs commercial world. And trust me, the "real cattleman" (their term, not mine) would just as soon lump the clubbie world with lawyers. Their words "they are so much in common, can say a lot without saying anything. They can omitt without lying. They seem to have egos the size of the universe. They would run over their Mother if they thought they could get away with it. There is no black and white, only grey areas.  And only they believe each other." (Those are quotes from commercial cattleman, NOT ME. - and yes, I had their permission to print them!!)  Wow, thats the reputation I would want. I know right now all of you are saying "thats not me. I am better than that." I would hope you are (and I think you are!!), but public perception is everything. Especially when the two industries are co-mingling.  And yes, I know of several commercial guys that used to use maine bulls, simmiX bulls etc. so they very well could have PHA/TH.  And who is going to educate them about a problem they didn't even know exsisted???? If not us, then who? If not YOU, then who???? 
All I ask is for everyone to be honest. If you own a carrier bull, then admit it. If you sell carriers, then admit it. If you still use carriers, then admit it. But for Heavens sake, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND WHAT YOUR DOING. I believe in what I am doing. And I am proud to admit it.

Farmboy: I love your Donkey.

Dori: Isn't funny how  differences in opinion can actually get two people together to exchange ideas...can't say we always agree either, but sure do repect your lowline cattle!!! Wish I could raise that many champions!!!

Weather is great here.....hope everyone is getting their winter feed in!!!

Jen, Show Heifer, and any other names you wish to call me!!! (just don't use all caps...its hard to read!!! ;D

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
He said, she said, they said.....I dont' know what was said or I guess I do not care either. ??? I have learn to take  life MUCH slower after a few life changing events and have found there are more important things out there. I really enjoy coming here to read everyone's opinions whether I agree or not. I have used carriers- TH and PH both. I have been VERY luck to not have any carriers. I usually use them for terminal crosses. standing up for my beliefs, I do think ANYONE should be attacked or put down for there opinon on using carriers or not. As others said previously, its my perrogative.....(bobby brown said it too)  I am not sure I like calling out folks on a public form either for there opinions or beliefs unless they are aware of it.  I just keep thinking if that was me how would I feel? Maybe I mistinterpreted something from the said previous post. :-\
SO. with that being said.

I do not think there should be any MODERATORS. The owners of the board should be the only one's policing the mass's. Its there board and they pay for it. WE are guest here. I am very appreciative for the opportunity to connect with folks around the country to discuss all kinds of cattle issues. We are all adults( should act like adults) and should be able to police ourselves. ( I know there are some youngin's on here but I appreciate the maturity you all have demonstrated.)

In the big scheme of things, how important is all of this in relationship to other things in your life.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Oh Show Heifer, I forgot about the Halloween party. Weren't those the good ole days. I can't believe it has been a year.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Ohio Breeder- you & Jill have made some excellant points in your posts. Thank you very much for your insight & thoughts. After talking to a breeder that was bashed here once, I realize how words can affect a person. That is why after reading some of my previous posts on Show Steers, I've tried not to be too judgmental. We all have opinions but it's how you word them & the tone that matters.

Telos- should we try again this year w/ a Halloween party?
