In Focus has been used a LOT to make some SimAngus cattle, and as far as real world kinda cattle, I think he's been really successful for the most part. I had a purebred Angus In Focus daughter that I REALLY liked...she wasn't heavy boned, but not ugly or slab-sided by any stretch! Her calf got hurt and ended up dying last year and I had to sell her, and I wasn't happy about that. I did keep a daughter out of her that will calve this fall, and I like her more and more every day. Those cattle are born small, they grow and they'll scan. They're not really show cattle. And neither are the Objectives I've had, but I do like the Quakerhill Objective 1/2 bloods we've made...pretty nice females. The reason I ever used Objective OR QO was because I had a couple of REALLY nice females out of Objective's full brother, 2T22, a bull you don't hear much about. Those calves come little and they're pretty plain at first. By weaning, though, they start looking like a cow, and I have one 3 year old that's one of my favorite young cows in our herd. Out of good cow family, but her mother isn't particularly anything special type wise...
As far as older, proven Angus bulls, I'm not sure you can beat 878 for making mama cows. I have one crossbred cow out of 878 and I've seen several purebred Angus cows...they're just cookie cutter and made right. Super nice udders. He may not rank as high as In Focus on paper, but I really like those females. I don't hate In Focus for a commercial type scenario, though. There's also a SimAngus In Focus son named Dual Focus that I've heard a lot of good things about and makes some real nice females...really moderate and attractive.