Names for cow killing club calf bulls.

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
Clubby Bulls have been good to me
(To the beat of)>

I have many C-sections forget the price
Ain't never been to my vets house, they tell me it's nice

calves so big they come out the side wall
I have trophy chasers pay for it all

some breeders say I'm crazy but Its no crime
I'm just looking for a new clone to try one more time

Clubby Bulls have been good to me so far

My latest mastodon weighs 185
still breathin, must be alive,
Is it a cripple or prospect for the champion drive

I have a recip limo
big enough to ride on her back
I don’t lock her gate in case I'm attacked

I'm breaking sale records my buyers they can't wait
They send me Championship Photo’s tell me I'm great

So I got me an office golden banners on the wall
Just leave a message maybe I'll call

Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through
wanna bee jocks think I'm cool (He's cool)
I can't complain but sometimes I still do
Clubby Bulls have been good to me so far

I’m up calving sometimes until four
they’re hard to pull when the front legs touch the floor

It's tough to handle this tortuous  game
Everybody's breeding so differently, my genetics haven't changed

They say I'm lazy but this takes all my time
Everybody says Oh yeah (Oh yeah)
I keep on going guess I'll never know why
Clubby Bulls have been good to me so far

With  apologies to Joe Walsh.............


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
OK. Harlan Howard sent me this song a couple years back. He told me he had written the perfect country and western song. I wrote him back and told him it was not the perfect country and western song. It didn't have any thing about mama,pickup trunks,getting drunk or C Sections. But I sat down and reworded his song. It goes to the melody of heartaches by the number. Im not smart enough to put up a u tube version. The song goes something like this. Hnnmm(sound of me clearing my throat).    Csect number 1 was by a Maine bull,I never knew my shin could hurt that way. C-Sect number two was by a chi bull,you came out but the vet I had to pay.          Now I have c-sects by the numbers,Troubles by the score.Every day you have to c sect, the vet will hate you more.            Now I have c-sects by the numbers, a show that I can't win. But the day that I can't c-sect, is the day my world will end.        C-sect number 3 was by a Shorthorn,they told me cause of shape that he would work. The vet tech weighed him in at 153 pounds,She's mad at me and I feel like a jerk.              Now I have C-sects by the numbers,troubles by the score. Every day you c sect, the vets will love you more.    Now we have c sects by the numbers, a game that we can't win.      But heck I WAS A C SECT,let the fun and games begin.             


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
parts unknown
Those bulls have aleady been named, Heat Wave, Full Throttle, Tidal Wave, Ground Zero to name a few.


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
will we see any of these names in Denver this year?


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
widow maker! there is actually an american promotion bull with that name and i though it was a littlw weird


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008

That way when you're standing there looking at the dead calf & cow and your wife asks what bull was it out of, your reply is ..............