Need good wishes

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2007
Alright everyone, I need good thoughts.  I a 39 and because of my age, not family history (because there isn't any of breast cancer) had my first mammogram on 9/30.  They found something that required further investigation, not a surprise to me because I have always been "lumpy" so to speak.  Had an ultrasound Friday and at the completion of the radiologist came out and told me in no uncertain terms that he would be very surprised if I DIDN'T have cancer and that it was urgent to get on this.  I have remained pretty calm and tried not to futurize, I have a 10 year old daughter, and don't even like to think bad thoughts.  I have my first appointment with a surgical oncologist today and am starting to freak out and think bad thoughts.  Has anyone else on here dealt with it? 

Thanks guys, I just needed to rattle some because as I said, I am starting to freak out. 


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
I am deeply sorry to hear your news. Hang in there <party> I have had several loved ones diagnosed with cancer. Be a fighter. The best advice I heard was from my grandpa who had to wait 2 years on a heart pump until he could get a transplant because he had to be cancer free for 24 months "if you sit back and let it kick your butt, it a fighter and NEVER give up hope" worked for him. the guy is almost 70 and now walks 10-15 miles a day still "breaking in " the new heart. <hero>

6M Ranch

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2007
We have a family member going through treatments right now.  I have no idea what your personally going through, but the one thing they say is early detection is the key.  Let us know how your appt. goes today, our prayers will be with you.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2008
9605 weston rd custar, ohio 43511
So sorry to hear about your situation, but you can get through this!!  Medicine today is amazing, last January my wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, had the opperation, and has gone through the chemo, her last mri came back clean, her weekly blood work is also clean.  Do what the doctors tell you, and do lots of research, the internet is amazing.  You can beat this, you can beat this, you can beat this!


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
  We'll be thinking about you & your family. Praying and hoping for the best for you. Sincerely, Brent.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007

First of all let me express how sorry I am you are going through this.

Sometimes the not knowing and having to worry about that is worse than knowing the truth. I find it highly irregular for a radiologist to tell someone the results of their diagnostic procedure. The time between him divulging his concerns and you getting to your doctor has caused you additional worry.  Try and stay as positive as possible...I know, easy for me to say sitting miles away typing at a computer. The radiologist could have dealt with this a lot more professionally.

Lots of good wishes and prayers.



Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
7357 N. Base Rd. Seymour, IN
So sorry to hear this.  My wife that is 35 was just diagnosed recently.  It has been a shot in the gut for us.  We have 2 young children (3&5) and are doing all we can to keep life as normal as possible.  We are going through the testing process right now and then will probably have surgery in early November followed by chemo.  We are waiting on the breast cancer gene test to come back to know the extent of what the surgery will be. 

Good luck in you battle and if you ever want to talk with someone going through similar things please PM me.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
as a 13 year survivor, try to keep positive thoughts. Make sure you get a second opinion.
Eat wholesome food but indulge in choclate as needed!
Have plenty of family support & some town have a cancer help group.

know we're praying for you & if you ever need a shoulder call me at 740-360-3980.

love, Cathy


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
I hope this turns out to be your scenerio.  My mom had the same thing happen and when they did the biopsy it was not cancer, we all took a big sigh of relief.  I hope it is the same for you, but if not remember to be strong and fight!!! (angel) (angel)

We found out my husband had cancer last May, they removed the tumor and he had to do a couple of chemo treatments just as a precaution.  They have come such a long way in the treatment!!

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers I am also 39 years old!! (angel) (angel) (angel)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
my wife has something similar, but it turned to be a texture thing, thank goodness.  i hope everything works out.  we have a 6 year old daughter, both of us have a heavy family history of parkinson's, especially her side, also with mental issues, and my wife if basically paranoid 24/7.  i know it's tough.  it can get in the way sometimes.  i don't appreciate her efforts near enough.  that doesn't mean expect appreciation, which can be a disease itself.  take care.



Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
steermomintx said:
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers I am also 39 years old!! (angel) (angel) (angel)

I remember when I was 39...seemed like just the other day, actually I just turned the big 40 about 3 weeks ago :'(   :'(

  (angel)   Inthebarnagain -  My thoughts and my prayers are with you.  Just please try to stay strong through this!  Please know that all of us on SP are here for you if you need us.  My mom is a 16 year breast cancer SURVIVOR, there is alot more out there that they can do for it now.  I agree with Red, get a second opinion.  I just had my first mammogram done a few weeks ago, and I had some very tense moments until the doctor finally called me and told me everything was fine.  I will be praying for you! Lisa


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa

Every member of my family has had cancer at least once.  I've had it twice myself.  It really changes your life the moment you find out there's even a possibility that you might have it.  All I can tell you is to stay as positive as  possible and as my mother used to say "Don't borrow trouble!!".  In other words, try not to worry about things that are not certain yet and fight as hard as you can once you know the actual, specific problem. 

At times like these we really begin to understand what's important in our lives.  That was probably summed up best for me during my cancer by the advice a friend  gave me  "Keep your chin up, your arms around your loved ones, and your eyes on the Lord!!"  Somehow, that kind of put it all in a nutshell for me  and I've given myself that pep talk many times since.  I hope it works for you as well.

Good luck!!  You're in my thought and prayers!!



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I'll add some more info for you ITBA. I was 37 when I had my cancer. I had already had 6 biopsies before.

My mom is a 25 year survivor. Back then they did the biopsy, check for cancer cells under the microscope ( all while you were under) & then took the appropriate measures. Can you imagine waking up not knowing if you had cancer & if they had to remove your breast?

The waiting is the worst. I hope you caught it early. I'm not one to say it will be fine. I hated it when people would say "oh, just don't worry about it". Worrying is natural & crying is also allowed!  ;) (angel)



Well-known member
Oct 10, 2007
Just got back from meeting my doctor who is wonderful, she is a surgical oncologist who does research at University of Louisville.  She asked if I wanted her to biopsy today and my answer was a resounding yes.  So she did, that was mildly unpleasant but definitely not as bad as I imagined.  The good thing about it to me was that there is no blood supply going to the mass and the pieces that she brought out were white fiber type of tissue, not red and angry.  What I didn't like is that it is so deep she hit bone when she pressed the trigger on the biopsy gun.  I don't know if that makes any difference at all but I know when my mother in law had a mastectomy a month ago (don't think we aren't tired of the words breast cancer) it was all the way out in the ducts and the doctor said that was the best place to have it.  So I am running with my own thoughts that back against the chest wall is probably not good. 

Regardless, as the doctor said, the only two people who know are God and the pathologist so we will let the pathologist have a go at it.  I go back a week from today and find out what the results are. 