Need help with ration #'s

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2007
I am trying to figure out fat% in this ration.

300 lb  Cracked Corn
75  lb    Oats
75 lb    HMC 32% Cattle Concentrate
1.25lb  Vitamin ADE
3.75 lb Yeast
35 lb    Molasses
25 lb  Cotton Seed Hulls
5  lb    White Salt

I know the protein level is around 11.5%, -  Need help from someone smarter than I am for the fat%  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
You would need to give us the % of fat that is in each ingredient. Then multiply that % by the # of lbs of each ingredient, then add up the total lbs of fat & then divide that total by the total lbs in the ration to come up with the % of fat in the ration. Then you may also want to look @ Digestable verses non digestable fat. Hope this helps. There should be some ingredients table on-line somewhere to help you if you want to figure it out.
  Question, 5 lbs of white salt in 500 lbs seems like a bunch of salt. Are you using salt as a limiter? If you are wanting the cattle to eat a large amount of this ration, I might would free choice salt via a salt block. JMO.
