Where is a good place to pick up a nice but not super expensive steer in Colorado? We get one from my dad every year and they have been nice, but we only get one and have to get a second one also for company. We have been thinking about talking with a local hereford breeder, but this is definately a black steer county. So not sure it's worth it - if we are going to spend the money to get one ready - he needs to be able to go to fair also and then sell the better one and keep the other.
So help point me in the right direction. We have just missed a couple of the local sales, but we really don't want to spend tons of money - looking for a nice steer but not maybe the super top of the line - 2nd year showing and small small county fair only.
So help point me in the right direction. We have just missed a couple of the local sales, but we really don't want to spend tons of money - looking for a nice steer but not maybe the super top of the line - 2nd year showing and small small county fair only.