There have been good suggestions given.. of course, I've got to add my 2 cents based on what has worked for our program. We synch & AI all of our heifers - both commercial & purebred. We like to use one bull on the commercials for uniformity. The PBs, we breed a little different.
Limit Up.. We used him on about 60 head of heifers several years ago... small calves at birth w/ no assists, small calves at weaning, hard doing shallow gutted females that do not have stayability.
Goldmine - We used him last year on the commercials and the calves came small - no assists other than abnormal presentation. His calves aren't the biggest calves but they sure out performed what the Limit Ups did, the calves are deep bodied and are marketable. Only wish we could've gotten more females.
In Dew Time - Like Linz says on this bull.. he is what all of our commercial heifers are bred to for this coming spring. I've seen some flat out good heifers from him.
Full Figures - Thought I'd throw in an oldie.. We used this bull a couple years on commercial heifers a several years ago. These calves will not be the prettiest kind but they come easy and they grow. These calves will make you money as feeders. They will also make good cows. We have a lot of FF daughters in the herd and from a commercial standpoint, they are our money makers.
Ranch Hand - We had a couple calves out of heifers this fall. They came small but have really thickened up fast. But then both of these cows are really thick ex-show heifers. One calf was kind of crooked legged at birth but has straightened out since then. Both calves are really clean fronted, up headed, good made calves.
Mo Better - we've had a couple from him and at first I wasn't overly impressed with what we got but have seen enough good/great ones that we flushed to him. We'll see what that yeilds..
While there are several newer bulls that bear watching, I hesitate to recommend them their accuracy is higher. JMO.