Need Some Advice: I need to take a couple condition scores off a Donor Cow?????

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
I have a donor cow that needs to loose some condition.  The problem I have to solve is that I have to goals to try and meet.  Goal #1.  Take some condition off my easy fleshing donor.  #2.  I need to keep her calf on grass to keep it in sellable condition.  I am thinking about drylotting the donor and let the calf have an exit to the pasture.

She is about 1800 lbs and needs to drop a couple CS's to get her in a more productive condition.  Any idieas on diets?  Would full feed grass hay with the calf still nursing (She is a heavy milker) help or do I need to limit intake?  If so any ideas as to how much I can limit?  If I do limit intake,  How much should she be allowed to eat?  If I get pretty agressive with limiting the groceries, any ideas on mineral supps. to keep her healthy?  Any other suggestions would be great.  If someone knows of anyone that would have experience in this situation, please let me know.

Thanks in advance for your help!



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Hey Tony!,
I don't know how others feel about this but we only feed our cows grassy hay & of course minerals. Mine are usually in good BSC & milk well. The only time I might give them something extra is if they are losing BSC w/ the calf, have twins, are heifers & just need something extra.
Our grass isn't really enough to supplement them completely.

Too bad there isn't a cow treadmill! Just kidding.


OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
red said:
Hey Tony!,
I don't know how others feel about this but we only feed our cows grassy hay & of course minerals. Mine are usually in good BSC & milk well. The only time I might give them something extra is if they are losing BSC w/ the calf, have twins, are heifers & just need something extra.
Our grass isn't really enough to supplement them completely.

Too bad there isn't a cow treadmill! Just kidding.

Red maybe you could share your free choice mineral ration. I know I am looking for one for my cows. Need stronger heats and better cycles.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Oh B, I'm just using a free choice mineral from Moorman's. It's their WeatherMater Range A Hi-Phos 648AAA.

Personally, I'd use the VitaFerm product but sometimes I get outvoted! Also have liked the Crstylix Brigade product from Hubbard but mine cows don't need any addtional cover on them.
We had a thread on the ealier. I had some of the different analysis of the products:



Well-known member
Mar 21, 2007
If it is okay to ask this? Is there a vitaferm dealer amongst us?  I need something if there is.  Could ya e-mail me?  Thanks.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
red said:
Hey Tony!,
I don't know how others feel about this but we only feed our cows grassy hay & of course minerals. Mine are usually in good BSC & milk well. The only time I might give them something extra is if they are losing BSC w/ the calf, have twins, are heifers & just need something extra.
Our grass isn't really enough to supplement them completely.

Too bad there isn't a cow treadmill! Just kidding.

Before his untimely demise a local farmer organized cow racing - with jockey - he claimed to have the 2nd, 3rd and 8th (I believe) fastest cows in the world (they raced on a regular track - steering was an issue for some) - the fastest cow was an MSU cow who trained on the treadmill at MSU - so you may be kidding Red but it is reality!!