Very interest video. Really the American Angus Association has geniouses on marketing department.
Some points;
- Population will increase in numbers, by consequence more food will to be necessary. MORE FOOD means more GRAIN (corn, soybean...) for humans, so this grain that, today, is provide for feed cattle in US will to be move for other consuption, including your!
- Cattle will to be move for marginal areas, where the giants Chis, Chars, Maines, Limies, Simmies and almost all Anguses lines will not work, as for keep a 1400 pounds cow calving and a 1700 pounds steers is impossible without grain.
- Last point, I learnt that numbers and statistics are easy to manage as we wish. Today Brazil and Argentina produce less meat than US, OK. But our cattle is ALL on grass fields, all means...that all entire herd of cows, steers, calves and bulls are placed on farms, on the fields, eating grass, as ruminants that they are. So, take all US feed lots, close them, and put all steers on fram grass for finish as here. After this, please remake the numbers and tell me again.