Believe it or not I saw a fullblood Chi bull at the Iowa State Fair, and not in the Avenue of Breeds, stalled with the show cattle. I guess the forerunner of the "Black Hereford" breed could have been the Hays Converter. You can see some of them in the old AI bull books of the 70's. To become relevant, many breeds have resorted to the tactic of reinventing themselves into a product their leadership perceives as being in demand, i.e. Black Limousins, Simmental, Maines, and Chis. Is it really true you don't even have to have 10% Chi blood to qualify for the show? On the other hand, the so called traditional breeds had to reinvent themselves in the late 60's and 70's to remain relevant, i.e. Angus with just about anything that would blood type, Hereford with Simmental, Shorthorn with Dual Purpose blood and later Maine influence. This time period would not be the only time of breed change. I would bet that there are very, very few breeds that even remotely resemble the ideals in mind of original breeders. Unfortunately, it kind of reminds me of how some today perceive our US Constitution.