blackcows said:
I guess it looks cool but the switch seems like one more thing to break, I have been turning them on and off with my foot for about 30 years, it seems to work well. The video says something about saving steps to turn the blower on and off, have we really gotten that lazy? Even with a really long hose I can't imagine it would take more than 3 or 4 steps to get to the blower.
Mike might be my long lost brother......because if I was outside looking in.......I would probably have said the EXACT SAME THINGS! Let me make it CLEAR......I DON"T HAVE A DOG IN THIS FIGHT.....I was JUST commisioned to make a promotional video for two very professionally successful and NICE brothers in Indiana on this new product.....THAT being said....let me add these comments.
After years of clipping and rupturing 2 lower discs leaning over a grooming chute bar shearing tops....YES......that switch is DANG NICE! For some young kid it's probably more CONVENIENT than necessary. I sent it to Am. Royal with Goretska's crew to try out and give me feedback for future videos.....THEY LOVED the SWITCH.....especially when getting cattle ready to go into the ring and said NOT ONCE did they ever accidentally bump it on. How many times are switchs ACCIDENTLY bumped on? You really need to get your hands on the blower before you can see the industrial grade strength of the switch and's yet to be seen...but I'd venture to say there will be little to NO PROBLEMS due to it being always protected by the hose itself.
I finally used it today..... in active duty......for the first time AND found that when working on UNBROKE cattle....especially in the wash rack that have never been in a's REALLY when they throw a fit or have a nervous, loose stool movement RIGHT AFTER you've got them clean and dry!!! You don't realize how often you turn a blower on and off while working on numerous head. I simply hit the switch....threw it over the top of the gate and grabbed the calfs tail and a comb to clean things up.....then pushed the button and started blowing the calf off while still holding the tail......and RIGHT NOW TONITE....I'm SO SORE I can hardly move!!! Getting WAY TOO OLD for that!
I'm REAL SURE the manufacturers are READING THIS....and I"m REAL SURE you're NOT going to OFFEND them or me....SO keep the opinions and comments coming! Thanks, Brad