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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Hi Thornberry, we had a thread not too long ago about a Timid shower.
Keep praising her to boost her confidence is the best way. Small little steps are great.

Good luck!



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
Thornberry said:
Hi everyone,  I too am just about at wits end with 2 of our angus hfrs. these 2 hfrs.have been shown numerous times.  everything is ok as long as Dad (me) handles them. My ten year old daughter has been showing for 3 yrs. and when she shows these hfrs. they will charge her.  The hfrs. have intimidated her and know it!  It gets very hard to keep encouraging her.  As long as they are tied or in the chute she can do anything wash blow brush.  Up to this point I have always tranquilized them for her to show.  Our 3rd. hfr. is a maine and is just a dream for both of my daughters the younger one is 8.  We keep working with them and just hope this will pass.   ???  Any suggestions?  Thanks- Jim
We had one like that last year, she actually rolled him in the ring once, drugs only made her tired they didn't really stop her from butting at him.  We had a judge suggest the nose ring and are sold on it, it gives the little guys a fighting chance of controlling them.  Once we had the nose ring in we never had another problem with the heifer.  We used the temp ones since she only acted up for my son.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
  One of our middle daughter's steers would only take her when she was about 8 or 9 years old. He would not try to do it to anyone else and was broke very well with a great temperament. I had to get her a short pipe and told her when he did come at her to give him a good tap or a bit harder bump. It takes the right calf & kid to get it done, but he only tried it once after she implemented the punishment. She never had to use it again, but like I said, it's hard to get a child to stand in there when they are getting taken. If your calf is @ the pt. where you think this kind of punishment won't make matters worse, it may be worth a try. Good luck, Cab